Crystals and Herbs

Crystal and Plant Combos To Add To Your Natural Medicine Kit

In our pursuit of holistic well-being, we often turn to various tools and practices to enhance our healing journey. Two powerful allies in this realm are crystals and plants, both of which possess unique energetic properties. When combined intentionally, the synergy between crystals and plants can amplify their individual healing powers, offering a harmonious fusion of natural elements.

Through my personal encounters with crystals and plants, I’ve witnessed the remarkable shifts in energy, emotional balance, and spiritual growth that these combinations can bring! I genuinely believe that by embracing the magic of crystal and herb unions, we can unlock hidden potentials within ourselves, tap into ancient wisdom, and align with the abundant energies of the universe.

Amethyst and Chamomile

Amethyst, known for its soothing and calming properties, synergizes beautifully with the gentle energy of chamomile. Together, they form a potent combination to relieve stress and anxiety. To harness their healing powers, you can create crystal-infused herbal water. Simply place a cleansed amethyst crystal and dried chamomile flowers in a glass jar filled with purified water. Allow the crystal and herbs to infuse overnight, and the next day, drink the water to enjoy a tranquilising effect on your mind and body.

Garnet and Pine

Combining the grounding energy of garnet with the rejuvenating essence of pine can inspire commitment and longevity. One way to utilise this combination is by creating crystal and herb sachets. Fill a small pouch with garnet crystals and dried pine needles, then tie it securely. Carry the sachet with you or place it under your pillow to harness their energy, promoting stability and endurance in your endeavours.

Amethyst and Chamomile

Rose and Rose Quartz

The soft and nurturing energy of rose quartz perfectly aligns with the loving essence of rose. Together, they create a harmonious blend that encourages love and forgiveness. A beautiful way to integrate these elements is through crystal and herb smudging. Use a rose quartz crystal to gently waft the smoke of dried rose petals or rose-infused incense around your space. As the smoke disperses, visualise it carrying away negativity and opening your heart to love and forgiveness.

Red Jasper and Mint

Red jasper’s grounding qualities synergize with the invigorating properties of mint, creating a combination that provides strength and luck. One way to harness their energies is through crystal-infused salve. Begin by creating a herbal-infused oil by combining dried mint leaves and carrier oil of your choice, such as coconut or almond oil. Place a cleansed red jasper crystal in the oil and allow it to infuse for several weeks in a cool, dark place. Once infused, strain the oil and use it as a base for creating a salve by adding beeswax or shea butter. It can then be applied to your pulse points to encourage its properties.

Garnet and Pine

Citrine and Bay Leaf

The vibrant energy of citrine combines harmoniously with the manifesting power of bay leaf. Together, they awaken the energy of manifestation within you. To utilise this combination, write down your intentions on a bay leaf and hold it alongside a cleansed citrine crystal. I like to burn the bay leaf, allowing its transformative energy to merge with the citrine’s potent vibrations. Carve out time to meditate during this and visualise your intentions coming to fruition as the smoke carries them out into the universe.

Moonstone and Jasmine

Moonstone, associated with intuition and feminine energy, pairs gracefully with the enchanting aroma of jasmine. This combination empowers and harnesses confidence. My favourite way to use this combination is through a crystal-infused herbal bath – start by placing a cleansed moonstone crystal in a muslin cloth or a mesh bag and tie it securely. In a warm bath, add dried jasmine flowers or jasmine essential oil to the water. Drop the moonstone-infused bag into the bath and allow it to steep while you soak. As you immerse yourself in the bath, visualise the moonstone’s energy intertwining with the jasmine, empowering you with confidence.

Embrace the magic and powerful properties behind these harmonious unions as you explore their therapeutic benefits. Trust your intuition in selecting the crystals and plants that resonate with your intentions and desires. Allow the energies to intertwine and envelop you in a symphony of healing vibrations. And remember – each combination is unique and personal!  Feel free to experiment, adapting and creating your own rituals and practices to help manifest your intended outcome.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Books to Shift Your Mindset

Four Books You Need To Read To Shift Your Mindset

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves caught in stagnant patterns of thinking. We yearn for fresh perspectives and transformative ideas that can break these mental barriers. Books, with their power to transport us to new realms of knowledge, hold the key to unlocking our minds. 

On my spiritual path, I have experienced the transformative impact of books firsthand. They have opened doors to new possibilities, challenged my preconceived notions, and empowered me to embrace a mindset of growth and possibility. Through their pages, I have discovered a renewed sense of purpose, gained valuable tools for self-reflection, and cultivated a greater appreciation for the power of our thoughts. Join me as I share four remarkable books that have profoundly shifted my mindset, offering insights and wisdom that have the potential to transform your life.

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a timeless guide that imparts profound wisdom rooted in ancient Toltec teachings. This book introduces four simple yet powerful agreements that can revolutionise how we navigate life: be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. By embracing these agreements, we can cultivate self-awareness, authentic connections, and liberation from self-limiting beliefs.

Since reading The Four Agreements, I’ve found myself applying its principles in all aspects of my being. It has been an invaluable companion on my journey of self-discovery, providing me with profound wisdom and guidance for creating a life filled with joy, love, and authenticity.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass is a fiery manifesto that ignites the flames of self-discovery, empowerment, and unapologetic living. With a blend of humour and heartfelt anecdotes, Sincero reminds us of our innate power and limitless potential. This book dismantles self-doubt, encourages fearless action, and guides us towards embracing our authentic selves, ultimately propelling us toward extraordinary achievements.

Through Sincero’s empowering words and relatable stories, I have learned to break free from the chains of self-doubt and embrace my true potential. This book has not only shifted my mindset, but it has also awakened within me a newfound confidence, igniting a fire to pursue my dreams fearlessly.

The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks

The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks offers profound insights into the universal law that governs our reality—the principle that like attracts like. Delving into the power of our thoughts, emotions, and vibrations, Hicks unravels the intricacies of manifestation. By aligning our desires, beliefs, and energy, we can harness the Law of Attraction to attract abundance, joy, and fulfilment into our lives.

By understanding and practising the principles of the Law of Attraction, I have witnessed a shift in my ability to manifest abundance and create the life I desire. This book has taught me to align my thoughts and beliefs with my desires, enabling me to attract positive experiences and opportunities.

Judgment Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein

Law of Attraction

Gabrielle Bernstein’s Judgment Detox serves as a potent remedy to release the heavy burden of judgement and criticism that hinders our growth and inner peace. This book invites us to examine the origins and impact of judgement, offering practical tools to cultivate forgiveness, compassion, and a deep sense of empathy. Through this detoxification process, we can liberate ourselves from judgement’s grip, fostering greater self-acceptance and harmonious relationships.

This enlightening book has brought to my awareness the detrimental effects of judgement and criticism, both towards others and myself. It’s also provided me with the necessary tools to liberate myself from the heavy burdens of judgement, and step into a space of love and acceptance.

These four books have been transformative guides on my journey of personal growth and mindset shift. From embracing powerful agreements to igniting self-belief, manifesting abundance, and cultivating compassion, each book has left an indelible mark on my life. By opening our minds to new ideas and perspectives, we have the power to break free from self-limiting beliefs and embark on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and extraordinary possibilities. Dive into these books and unlock the limitless potential of your mindset!

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Third Eye Chakra

The Chakra Chapters: The Third Eye Chakra

It’s time for the next stop on the enchanting journey through the chakra system! In the sixth instalment of the Chakra Chapters, we set our sights on the mystical realm of the Third Eye Chakra. Before delving into this enlightening energy centre, make sure to explore the insightful blogs on the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, and Throat Chakra. Each chakra unveils a unique aspect of our being, and now it’s time to unravel the wonders of my favourite chakra, the Third Eye Chakra.

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

Located in the centre of the forehead, this chakra governs our intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. In Sanskrit, the third eye chakra is known as the Ajna chakra which translates to “perceive” or “command”. Associated with the colour indigo, the third eye chakra is connected to our inner vision and higher consciousness. When this chakra is balanced, we experience clarity, intuition, and a deep sense of knowing.

Third Eye Chakra Blockages

Blockages in the third eye chakra can manifest in various signs and symptoms, indicating an imbalance in this energy centre. These include a lack of intuition and insight, difficulty visualising and imagining, closed-mindedness, an overactive mind, and a lack of clarity. This can cause excessive mental activity, creating confusion and a lack of clarity. When our third eye chakra is blocked, we can feel very close-minded and resistant to new experiences or ideas. Recognising these manifestations allows us to take steps towards healing and restoring the harmonious flow of this chakra, reuniting with our instinct and intuition.

What is the third eye chakra

How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra

In order to restore balance and activate the third eye chakra, there are various techniques and practices that can be incorporated into your daily routine. From meditation and candle gazing to yoga and crystal healing, these methods offer pathways to enhance your intuition, clarity, and connection with your inner vision.

Candle Gazing & Meditation

One effective ritual for balancing the third eye chakra is candle gazing. Sit in a quiet space, light a candle, and gaze at its flame. Allow your eyes to soften as you focus on the flickering light, and let your mind quiet down. Basic meditations are also helpful for restoring balance to your third eye chakra. Observe your breath and gently move your eyes towards the space between your eyebrows. Follow guided meditations to follow instructions to open your third eye and feel the energy flow restored. For a heightened meditation, try combining your practice with fasting, as this will provide even greater focus and clarity.

Smudge sticks

Crystals, Herbs, & Smudging 

Crystals, smudge sticks, and herbs can be powerful allies in healing and restoring balance to the third eye chakra. Crystals such as amethyst, labradorite, fluorite, apatite, sodalite, and angelite are known for their ability to activate and harmonise this energy centre. Placing these crystals on or near the third eye area during meditation or wearing them as jewellery can help stimulate the chakra’s energy flow and enhance intuition. Remember to cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly and set intentions for their specific healing properties.

Burning sacred herbs such as lavender smudge sticks or palo santo wood clears stagnant energy. Allowing the potent smoke to envelop you and your surroundings to create a harmonious environment for healing. Herbal teas like blue lotus or mugwort can also support the restoration of balance in the third eye chakra. Blue lotus tea is known for its ability to enhance spiritual insight and stimulate your intuitive faculties. Mugwort tea has been used for centuries to promote lucid dreaming and facilitate access to the subconscious realms, allowing for a deeper connection to one’s inner vision.

Yoga & Breathwork

Incorporating specific yoga poses into your regular practice can also stimulate this chakra. Child’s pose, humble warrior, bow pose, dolphin pose, and lotus pose are excellent poses to activate the third eye chakra. Yoga Nidra is also a perfect practice for accessing your third eye chakra and clearing it of any blockages.  Holotropic breathwork can deepen your connection to the spiritual realm, ushering into you a higher plane of consciousness. This specific breathwork practice can be very intense, so I recommend exploring it with a trained guide to ensure your journey is both safe and effective.

Avoid Fluoride

Fluoride is commonly found in toothpaste, tap water, and certain processed foods. While fluoride is beneficial for dental health, excessive consumption can have negative effects on the third eye chakra. Fluoride is believed by some to calcify the pineal gland, which is closely associated with the third eye chakra. A calcified pineal gland can potentially hinder spiritual perception and intuition. To minimise fluoride intake, consider using fluoride-free toothpaste, drinking filtered water without fluoride, and being mindful of the fluoride content in the products you consume. Consuming natural remedies such as turmeric may also help combat the harmful effects of fluoride due to its potential detoxifying properties.

Plant-Based Diet

If there’s one thing anyone knows about me, it’s my passion for veganism and championing the plant-based lifestyle. I’ve written before about what I’ve learned since committing to veganism, and it has positively impacted many areas of my day-to-day life. Plant-based foods are often rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, nourishing the body and supporting clear energy flow. For balancing the third eye chakra, adopting a plant-based or vegan diet can promote overall energetic balance and well-being, as well as enhance your spiritual awareness. Check my vegan venture Plant Essence for plant-based meals and plans to kick-start your vegan journey.

A plant-based diet activates the third eye chakra

The third eye chakra is a gateway to expanded consciousness and heightened intuition. By incorporating rituals such as candle gazing, working with crystals, smudging, practising specific yoga poses, and exploring other supportive practices, we can awaken and align our third eye chakra, leading to a deeper connection with our inner wisdom.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
5 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Quick 5-Minute Vegan Recipes

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to prepare a healthy and satisfying meal can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, with the right recipes and a little creativity, you can whip up delicious vegan dishes in just 5 minutes or less. I’ve shared my top vegan blender recipes in a previous blog, but if you need something a little more filling, these are my go-to vegan recipes that are quick, easy, and nutritious. From zesty guacamole to refreshing smoothie bowls, hearty overnight oats, and satisfying veggie wraps, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive right in and discover these delectable vegan delights!


We’ll start our culinary journey with a classic favourite – guacamole. Inspired by this fantastic recipe, let’s create a creamy and flavorful guacamole to enjoy with chips, crackers, or a spread for sandwiches.


  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 small tomato, diced
  • 1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 jalapeno, seeds removed and finely chopped
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • A handful of fresh coriander, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Cut the avocados in half, remove the pits, and scoop out the flesh into a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until smooth, leaving some chunks for texture. Add the diced tomato, red onion, jalapeno, lime juice, and chopped cilantro to the bowl. Season with salt and pepper, then mix well until all the ingredients are combined. Taste and adjust the seasonings according to your preference. Serve the guacamole immediately with your favourite accompaniments or refrigerate it for later use.

Smoothie Bowls

Overnight Oats

If you’re looking for a quick and nourishing breakfast option, overnight oats are the answer. These make-ahead oats are convenient, customisable, and incredibly satisfying. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup plant-based milk
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup or sweetener of your choice
  • Toppings: fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, nut butter, etc.


In a jar or container, combine the rolled oats, plant-based milk, chia seeds, and maple syrup. Stir well to ensure all the ingredients are evenly mixed. Cover the jar/container and refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 hours. In the morning, give the oats a good stir and add your desired toppings. Enjoy your creamy and wholesome overnight oats on the go or at home!

Veggie Wraps

Smoothie Bowls

Smoothie bowls are a fantastic way to start your day with a burst of flavour and a dose of essential nutrients. Here’s a simple yet delicious recipe for a tropical smoothie bowl:


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup frozen mango chunks
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (or any plant-based milk of your choice)
  • Toppings of your choice: sliced fresh fruits, granola, chia seeds, coconut flakes, etc.


In a blender, combine the frozen banana, mango chunks, pineapple chunks, and coconut milk. Blend until smooth and creamy. If needed, add a splash of additional liquid to achieve the desired consistency. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and add your favourite toppings. Enjoy your vibrant and refreshing smoothie bowl immediately.

Overnight oats

Veggie Wraps

When time is of the essence, veggie wraps come to the rescue. They are versatile, packed with nutrients, and can be customized with your favourite vegetables and spreads. Here’s a simple recipe to create a delicious veggie wrap:


  • Whole-grain tortilla/wrap
  • Hummus or your preferred spread
  • Sliced avocado
  • Thinly sliced cucumber
  • Shredded carrots
  • Fresh greens (spinach, lettuce, etc.)
  • Sprouts (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Lay the tortilla/wrap flat on a clean surface. Spread a generous amount of hummus or your preferred spread onto the tortilla. Layer the sliced avocado, cucumber, shredded carrots, fresh greens, and sprouts on top. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper for added flavour. Roll the tortilla tightly, tucking in the sides as you go. Slice the wrap in half or into bite-sized portions if desired. Your satisfying and nutritious veggie wrap is ready to enjoy!

With these quick 5-minute vegan recipes, you can effortlessly incorporate delicious plant-based meals into your busy schedule. From the tangy guacamole to the refreshing smoothie bowls, the hearty overnight oats, and the satisfying veggie wraps, you now have a variety of options to choose from. For more vegan meal inspiration, check out my vegan venture Plant Essence. Don’t let time be a barrier to your healthy eating habits. Embrace the simplicity and flavour of these recipes, and let vegan recipes inspire you to enjoy nourishing meals in a jiffy. Bon appétit!

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

I firmly believe that how we start our day shapes our entire experience, so I want to share some of the practices I include in my morning routine as rituals of self-care and alignment. These habits are short, practical, and entirely doable for even the busiest of mornings. Here is my morning routine designed to infuse my being with positivity and set me up for a day of abundance.

Manifestation & Guided Meditation

I begin my day by creating a sacred space, a sanctuary for my dreams to unfold. Starting my morning routine with the art of guided meditation, I visualise the life I desire, aligning my intentions with the universe. This practice opens my heart to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. By immersing myself in the energy of manifestation, I cultivate a positive mindset and attract synchronicities that align with my deepest desires. This way I set the tone and intention for a day filled with abundance and purpose.

Gratitude List

Taking a moment in my morning routine to appreciate even the small things, like a warm cup of herbal tea or the awakening of a new day, is essential. Writing down three things I’m grateful for anchors me in appreciation, shifting my focus to the abundance around me. This part of my morning routine nurtures a grateful heart, infusing my day with positivity and grace. It transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, lightening life’s burdens. Embracing and celebrating the small things cultivates a spirit of gratitude, reminding us of the abundant blessings that enrich our lives.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Harmony and balance are essential to navigating the twists and turns of life. Through the practice of alternate nostril breathing, I harmonise the flow of energy within me. By gently alternating between each nostril, I cleanse and balance my energy channels, creating a sense of inner equilibrium. This practice cultivates a calm and centred state of mind, allowing me to approach challenges with grace and clarity. As I’ve mentioned before, this is one of my favourite breathwork techniques, perfect for centering yourself for a day filled with balance and serenity.

Breath of Fire
Gratitude List

Breath of Fire

To awaken my inner vitality and stoke the flames of inspiration, I embrace the powerful Breath of Fire during my morning routine. Sitting with a straight spine and a grounded presence, I place my hands on my belly. Taking quick, rhythmic breaths through my nose, I focus on the forceful exhalation. This dynamic breathwork energises my body, invigorates my senses, and ignites my creative fire. It is a potent elixir that infuses me with renewed vigour, empowering me to approach the day with enthusiasm and confidence.

Singing & Dancing in the Shower

Not only a place for cleansing and purifying, showers can also be the perfect moment to unleash your joyful inner child. I sing and dance to my heart’s content, letting both the water and melody wash over my body and soul, and revelling in the vibrations the music sends through me. It’s the perfect addition to any morning routine for a boost in your mood and energy as you prepare to take on the challenges of the day.

This morning routine may seem simple, yet its impact is profound. Remember, these habits are not extravagant or time-consuming. They are gentle reminders to prioritise self-care and create space for the magic within us. By dedicating a few precious moments of your morning routine to connect with ourselves, we nurture our minds, bodies, and spirits. May your mornings be filled with gratitude and balance, guiding you towards a day of abundance and fulfilment.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
The Throat Chakra

The Chakra Chapters: The Throat Chakra

Welcome back to the enchanting world of chakras! In our fifth instalment of the Chakra Chapters, we delve into the ethereal realm of the throat chakra. If you haven’t already, be sure to read my blogs on the first four chakras, the Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, and the Heart Chakra.


The throat chakra resonates with the colour blue, symbolising the vastness of the sky and the boundless potential of our voice.

What is the Throat Chakra?

Nestled in the centre of our neck, this chakra acts as a portal for authentic self-expression and effective communication. In Sanskrit, the throat chakra is called Vishuddha which translates to ‘pure’ or ‘purification’. It holds the power to harmonise our inner thoughts with the external world, allowing our truth to be heard.

The throat chakra resonates with the colour blue, symbolising the vastness of the sky and the boundless potential of our voice. When the throat chakra is balanced, we communicate with clarity, creativity, and compassion, having the space to freely express our truth. However, when this chakra becomes blocked, our voice may feel silenced, leading to difficulties in expressing ourselves and misunderstandings in our relationships, as well as stifling our creativity.

Throat Chakra Blockages

Recognising blockages in the throat chakra is a crucial step in the healing process. Pay attention to moments when you struggle to find the right words or when you feel hesitant to speak your truth. Physical symptoms like throat infections, tension in the neck and shoulders, or a chronic sore throat may also indicate an imbalance in this chakra.

How to Balance the Throat Chakra

If you are feeling any manifestations of a blockage in your throat chakra, there are several rituals you can practise to help clear it and rebalance that communicative energy.


Toning and Chanting

One of the most effective ways to cleanse and activate the throat chakra is through toning and chanting. Find a quiet space, take a deep breath, and produce a resonating sound like “Ham” to stimulate the throat area. Feel the vibration reverberate through your entire being, dissolving any energetic blockages.



Meditation is a powerful tool for rebalancing the throat chakra. By cultivating a calm and focused state of mind, meditation allows you to tune into your inner voice and release any blockages hindering self-expression. Guided meditations that focus specifically on the throat chakra are especially beneficial if you’re unsure where to direct your mental energy. Through regular practice, you can create a sacred space within to harmonise the energy of your throat chakra, promoting authentic communication and a profound connection with your inner truth.

Crystal Healing

Crystals carry powerful vibrations that can aid in chakra balancing. For the throat chakra, try working with Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, or Blue Apatite. Hold the crystal close to your throat as you meditate or wear it as jewellery to harness its calming and harmonising energy.


Yoga Poses

As a trained yogi, I can attest to the restorative power different types of yoga have on both our physical and spiritual being. Engaging in specific yoga poses can help open and balance the throat chakra. Poses like Fish (Matsyasana), Fish Variation (Matsyasana Variation), and Plough  (Halasana) can gently stretch the neck and stimulate the throat region. As you move through these postures, imagine a river of soothing blue light flowing through your throat, releasing any stagnant energy.



Diffuse essential oils that purify to keep your throat chakra balanced
Wear healing blue crystals as jewellery to help keep the throat chakra balanced!


I can never overstate the power of breathwork. Breath is particularly important to this chakra as the throat is a major component of the body’s respiratory system. Conscious breathing exercises like Lion’s Breath and Ujjayi Breath can invigorate the throat chakra. Lion’s Breath involves taking a deep inhale and exhaling forcefully while sticking out your tongue and opening your eyes wide. Ujjayi Breath, on the other hand, is a gentle constriction of the throat during both inhalation and exhalation, creating a soothing oceanic sound. These breath practices help clear any energetic obstacles, allowing your voice to flow freely.



Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool in balancing the throat chakra, as the throat is intricately connected to the nose. Essential oils and incense work their magic by engaging our sense of smell. Eucalyptus, with its invigorating and clarifying properties, not only clears the airways but also promotes mental clarity. Sage, renowned for its purifying qualities, helps release energetic blockages that hinder self-expression. Diffuse these cleansing scents in your space or gently apply diluted oils to your throat area during meditation, and let their healing aroma embrace your soul.

By nurturing the throat chakra, the energy of authentic self-expression and effective communication flows freely. This balance brings clarity, creativity, and harmony to your voice. Embracing this chakra’s power can enhance your overall wellbeing, allowing your truth to be heard and fostering deeper connections with others.

Connect with me on social media!

© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
5 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

5 Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

Welcome to a world where the power of plants can transform your health and our planet. The rise of plant-based diets has gained momentum for good reason. When I decided to embark on a vegan lifestyle, I discovered many changes in myself, both physically and emotionally. Not only does this conscious dietary choice offer a multitude of health benefits, but it also holds the key to reducing our carbon footprint and fostering a sustainable future.

Are you ready to embrace the green revolution from your plate?

Reduced Inflammation

By adopting a plant-based diet, you’re embracing a lifestyle that can help soothe the flames of inflammation within your body. Plant foods, rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, possess the incredible ability to combat oxidative stress and lower inflammation levels. Studies have shown that plant-based diets are associated with reduced markers of inflammation, potentially mitigating the risk of chronic diseases such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and even certain types of cancer.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Choosing plants over animal products goes beyond personal health; it’s a significant step towards mitigating our environmental impact. Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By adopting a plant-based diet, you’re actively reducing your carbon footprint, conserving water resources, and preserving our precious ecosystems. This is echoed in a study by the University of Oxford which found that adopting a plant-based diet can reduce your carbon emissions by up to 73%!

A Plant-Based diet can significantly reduce your carbon foot print.

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

One of the most prevalent health concerns worldwide, type 2 diabetes, can be mitigated through the power of plants. A plant-based diet, abundant in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, offers a plethora of nutrients, dietary fibre, and low-glycemic carbohydrates. This combination helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Embrace the natural sweetness of plant foods and savour the benefits for your long-term health.

A plant-based diet has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Protecting your heart has never been tastier! A plant-based diet has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, the leading cause of global mortality. By excluding or limiting animal products, you’re reducing your intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and dietary heme iron, which are known to contribute to cardiovascular issues. Instead, plant-based foods provide a wealth of heart-healthy nutrients like fibre, antioxidants, and healthy fats, protecting your precious ticker and promoting cardiovascular wellness.

Improved Gut Health

Nourishing your body with plant-based goodness does wonders for your gut microbiome. Plant foods are rich in fibre, prebiotics, and beneficial compounds that support a diverse and thriving gut microbiota. This thriving ecosystem of microorganisms in your gut plays a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and mental well-being. By opting for a plant-based diet, you’re feeding your gut with the nutrients it craves, fostering a healthier balance of bacteria and reaping the rewards of improved digestion and overall wellness.

Embarking on a plant-based journey is an empowering choice that brings immense benefits to your health and our planet. By reducing inflammation, minimising your carbon footprint, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and improving gut health, you’re embracing a lifestyle that prioritises wellness and environmental sustainability. These benefits became the catalyst for creating my own business, Plant Essence, where I prepare meal plans to kick-start your vegan journey. 

Your plate becomes a catalyst for positive change, creating a greener and more sustainable future. Let the vibrant colours of plant foods paint a brighter future for your health and our Earth. Embrace the green revolution and discover the transformative power of a plant-based diet! 

Not sure where to start? Why not take some inspiration from my previous blog where I share simple, but delicious plant-based recipes straight from the blender.

Connect with me on social media!

© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Inner Child Healing

How To Get Started With Inner Child Healing

In the vast landscape of self-healing and personal growth, the practice of inner child healing stands as a gateway to profound transformation. It offers us an opportunity to embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery and healing, unlocking the dormant magic within us. By tending to the needs of our inner child, we embrace wholeness and authenticity, inviting joy, resilience, and deeper connections into our lives.

All too often, we neglect this tender aspect of ourselves, unknowingly carrying the consequences in our relationships, emotions, and overall well-being. We may dismiss their yearnings for playfulness and spontaneity, or suppress their innocent curiosity under the weight of societal expectations. The consequences of this neglect ripple through our existence, affecting our relationships, emotions, and overall well-being. This can manifest as patterns of self-sabotage, fear of intimacy, low self-esteem, or difficulty in expressing emotions. It is vital to heal and nurture our inner child so that we may be our best, most joyous selves.

What is the Inner Child Healing?

Picture a garden filled with vibrant flowers, each petal holding a story. Our inner child is like that garden, a treasury of memories, emotions, and experiences from our childhood. Inner child healing is the act of acknowledging, understanding and nurturing this young, vulnerable aspect of ourselves. By exploring our past, we gain insights into the wounds that have shaped our beliefs, behaviours, and relationships. This sacred practice empowers us to heal those wounds, releasing patterns that no longer serve us, and reclaiming our authenticity.

Possessing a healing, loving and calming energy, the heart chakra connects the physical realm with the spiritual. It serves as our centre for unconditional love, compassion, empathy and joy – and working with it can often reveal deep and profound truths.

Inner Child Healing

Rituals and Practices for Inner Child Healing

There are many ways in which we can approach healing our inner child. From light-hearted dancing and singing to the mindfulness of shadow work, there are several transformative rituals and practices that offer solace and restoration to our wounded inner child.

Journaling is a great way to nurture and heal your inner child.


Led by the whispers of the subconscious, hypnotherapy takes us on a journey into our inner realms. We access memories and emotions that may be buried within through deep relaxation and focused attention. This transformative practice allows us to reframe past experiences, heal wounds, and foster a profound sense of self-acceptance. Guided meditations are a helpful way to practise hypnotherapy, and thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can even find videos specifically created for inner child healing.


Dancing, Singing, and Painting 

Expressive arts are like spells that enchant our inner child. These rituals awaken the childlike spirit, unleashing joy, creativity, and healing. Creativity is a uniquely human experience and has a powerful impact on our souls. I’ve written before about how movement helps awaken both the body and the mind, and dancing is a fun, child-like way to embrace movement. Dance with abandon, sing melodies that resonate within your being, and let the colours of your paintbrush dance across the canvas.


Shadow Work 

Just like the moon reflects light and darkness, our inner child carries joy and pain within it. Shadow work involves delving into the depths of our subconscious, embracing and integrating the aspects of ourselves that we’ve disowned or suppressed. Shining a light on our shadows brings healing and wholeness to our inner child.



A magical tool to unlock the secrets within, journaling provides a safe space for our inner child to express itself. Through writing, we can release emotions, uncover hidden desires, and gain profound insights. Let the words flow like ink from a pen, allowing your inner child to speak its truth and find solace on the page.



Dancing is a fun, child-like way to embrace movement.

Inner child healing is a sacred and personal journey that unlocks the depths of our being, bringing healing, authenticity, and joy into our lives. Through practices like shadow work, journaling, and expressive arts, we embark on a transformative path of self-discovery. Guided meditations provide loving support as we reconnect with our inner child, embracing love, healing, and self-acceptance. Remember, your inner child holds the key to your authenticity and creative power. Create a nurturing space within your heart and let the healing adventure begin. May your journey be filled with love, light, and transformation as you embrace the profound and beautiful path of inner child healing.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Vegan Foods to Kick-Start Your Day

Vegan Foods to Kick-Start Your Day

Rise and shine, early birds and sleepyheads alike! It’s time to infuse your mornings with a burst of energy and vitality. In the realm of breakfast wonders, there are vegan delights that are specifically designed to kick-start your day with gusto. From the metabolism-boosting powers of coconut water to the fibre-rich embrace of oats, the natural sweetness of dates, and the nourishing richness of avocado, these vegan foods are here to awaken your senses and infuse your mornings with the vitality you deserve.

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s more than just an old wives’ tale. To me, breakfast is a moment of nourishment and renewal—and when you embrace a vegan lifestyle, breakfast becomes an even more thrilling opportunity to fuel your body with wholesome, plant-based goodness. So with that said, let me share with you some of my favourite vegan foods to start my day.

Coconut meat and water are excellent vegan breakfast staples!


Coconut Water

Bursting with electrolytes, this heavenly drink will hydrate your body, promote digestion, and boost your metabolism. I like to think of coconut water as my morning metabolism booster drink. It’s a refreshing way to wake up your taste buds and prepare yourself for the day ahead.


Coconut Meat

While we’re on the topic of coconuts, let’s not forget the deliciously versatile meat. Creamy, dreamy, and oh-so-nutritious, coconut meat can be a fantastic addition to your breakfast bowl. Whether you sprinkle it on your oatmeal or blend it into a smoothie, coconut meat adds a tropical touch that will transport you to a beach paradise.




If you have a sweet tooth and want a natural, guilt-free way to indulge, look no further than dates. These luscious, caramel-like fruits are packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Enjoy them as a snack, blend them into a smoothie, or stuff them with almond butter for a divine breakfast treat. Dates will add a touch of natural sweetness to your morning routine, without the dreaded sugar crash.


A timeless breakfast classic, the humble yet mighty oat is the true hero of breakfast. Packed with fibre, protein, and essential minerals, oats are a vegan breakfast staple that will keep you feeling full and satisfied. Whip up a warm bowl of oatmeal, top it with your favourite fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of maple syrup, and you’ve got a filling, balanced morning meal that will fuel your adventures.



I’m a big fan of tahini –  it’s one of my most used vegan ingredients, as it adds so much flavour to any vegan dish. Made from ground sesame seeds, this creamy delight is a rich source of healthy fats, protein, and calcium. Slather it on toast, drizzle it over your oatmeal, or use it as a dip for your fruits. Tahini brings a nutty and luscious twist to your breakfast, leaving you feeling satiated and ready to seize the day.



Smoothie Bowls
A timeless breakfast classic, the humble yet mighty oat is the true hero of breakfast




Packed with potassium, vitamin B6, and natural sugars, bananas are nature’s very own energy bar! This vibrant fruit is a fantastic way to kick-start your day; slice it over your morning cereal, blend it into a creamy smoothie, or mash it onto toast for a quick and easy vegan breakfast option. For a little guilty pleasure breakfast, you could even try my blender recipe for banana ice cream, perfect for those summer mornings that are too hot to function.



Last but certainly not least, we have the reigning monarch of healthy fats – the avocado. Creamy, indulgent, and brimming with nutrients, avocados make a fantastic addition to any breakfast spread. Spread them on toast, blend them into a silky smoothie, or whip up some mouthwatering avocado pancakes.

Remember, the magic of vegan breakfast lies in its ability to nourish your body while tantalising your taste buds. You don’t need to sacrifice flavour or excitement when adopting a plant-based lifestyle. Embrace these vegan foods with a sense of joy, knowing that you’re starting your day with ingredients that are not only good for you but also contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable world. Your taste buds and body will thank you, and your day will be off to an extraordinary start. Of course, if like me you’re a bit of a busy bee and find you don’t have the time, you can always order a delicious vegan breakfast from Plant Essence, my plant-based foodie venture. Cheers to a vibrant and fulfilling breakfast that sets the tone for an amazing day ahead!

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Types of Yoga and What They're Best For

Types of Yoga and What They're Best For

Yoga is a magical practice that has been around for thousands of years, offering countless benefits to those who practise. There are many types of yoga, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. From relaxation and increased flexibility to the development of discipline and spirituality, yoga can help you connect mind, body, and spirit in ways that will enhance your overall well being.

Yoga is more than just stretching. Practising yoga strengthens your body, mind, emotions, and spirit, bringing every part of your being into complete balance. Different styles of yoga have a vast array of benefits, from relaxation and renewal, to poses designed to energise and invigorate!

As a trained yogi myself, I wholeheartedly believe that yoga is the foundation to managing a nourishing lifestyle for the mind and body. But with a plethora of yoga styles out there, it can be challenging to determine the ideal one for you. To help, let’s delve into six of the most popular types of yoga and what they’re best for.

Hatha Yoga: Finding Balance

Hatha yoga is the most widely practised form of yoga and is the foundation for many other styles. Originating in India around 500 years ago, Hatha is a gentle and slow-paced style of yoga. During this practice, one focuses on finding balance in both the body and the mind.

In a typical Hatha yoga class, you’ll be guided in holding each pose for a few breaths, allowing you to find the right alignment and deepen the stretch. This style of yoga is best for those looking to increase flexibility, build strength, and find balance in their lives. As a beginner-friendly style, Hatha yoga is an ideal choice for anyone looking to start their yoga practice, or wanting to explore a more meditative approach.

Yin Yoga: Finding Stillness

Yin yoga is a slower and more passive style of yoga that focuses on holding poses for longer periods of time. This practice is defined by a series of seated and reclining postures that are typically held for several minutes each, providing an opportunity for deep stretching and relaxation. Yin yoga originated in the 1970s, and draws inspiration from Taoist philosophy. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as a complement to more active forms of yoga and exercise.

In Yin, each pose is usually held for 3-5 minutes, allowing you to sink deeper into the stretch and find stillness in both the body and the mind. Not only does this type of yoga increase flexibility and improve mobility, but it also helps reduce stress and anxiety. It’s a perfect choice for those who need a slower and more meditative practice. I personally love to practise Yin before bedtime to help calm my mind and relax my body for a deeper sleep.

Upward Facing Dog Pose - a staple in Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa Yoga: Moving with Breath

Vinyasa yoga is one of the more dynamic and flowing types of yoga that synchronises movement with breath. It’s characterised by a series of poses that flow together seamlessly, creating a meditative and invigorating experience.Vinyassa yoga is a relatively modern style of yoga that emerged in the 20th century, and has since become incredibly popular in Western culture. 

Whether you are looking to deepen your mind-body connection or improve your physical wellness, Vinyasa yoga is an ideal practice to explore! The continuous flow of movement synchronised with controlled breathing, can elevate heart rate and improve overall cardiovascular health. The morning is a great time to practice Vinyasa when your mind and focus are sharp. The flow and poses of sun salutations are excellent ways to awaken your mind and body, getting your blood flowing and heart pumping.

Ashtanga Yoga: Challenging the Body and Mind

Originating in India in the 20th century, Ashtanga yoga is considered to be one of the more demanding styles of yoga that adheres to a specific sequence of postures. This practice is based on the eight limbs of yoga and is characterised by a sequence of sun salutations, standing poses, seated poses, and inversions.

If you’re seeking a more structured approach to yoga, this is the style for you! In a typical Ashtanga yoga class, you’ll be guided through a sequence of poses, focusing on linking breath with movement and building heat in the body. It can help towards enhancing strength, flexibility and mental focus, as well as developing a sense of self-discipline.

Kundalini Yoga: Awakening Energy

Another one of the ancient types of yoga is Kundalini – originating in India over 5000 years ago, this is a spiritual and transformative style of yoga that focuses on awakening the energy within the body. This type of yoga is rooted in the belief of the existence of a dormant energy, known as Kundalini, which is thought to reside at the base of the spine. 

In a typical Kundalini yoga class, you can expect to practise a combination of physical postures, breathwork, meditation, and chanting. Kundalini yoga is an ideal practice for anyone seeking to enhance their spiritual connection, awaken their energy, and tap into their higher self. I’ve found this style to be especially wonderful in my exploration of the mystical and spiritual dimensions of yoga, as it combines meditation and chanting with movement. 

As the focus of this yoga style is to awaken energy, Kundalini is best practised first thing in the morning. Use this powerful practice to connect with your inner self and start your day off with a positive mindset. Carpe diem!

Warrior II Pose - perfect for waking up energy in Kundalini

Power Yoga: Building Strength and Endurance

Perhaps the most popular form of yoga, Power yoga is a dynamic and physically demanding style that is influenced by Ashtanga yoga. Power yoga originated in the West in the 1990s and is designed to build strength and endurance in the body.

Power yoga classes move through a series of poses that flow together quickly, building heat in the body and challenging the muscles. It is best for more experienced yoginis looking for a challenging and intense workout that builds strength, flexibility, and endurance. It’s also a great option for athletes or those who enjoy a more physical and athletic practice.

There are many types of yoga, each with it's own unique set of benefits

Each style of yoga has its own unique benefits and is best suited for different individuals and goals. Whether you’re looking to increase flexibility, build strength, find inner peace, or connect with your spirituality, there’s a type of yoga that’s perfect for you. So why not give it a try? Roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of yoga. Namaste!

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra