Wellness Practices

Three Wellness Practices I Am Trained In

I’ve always been drawn to the magic and mystery of wellness practices, a curiosity that has blossomed throughout my adolescence. And as I have gotten older and committed further to my spirituality, it has led me down a path of learning and training. 

There are a plethora of wellness practices out there, and I have so far focused my energy into three: Reiki, sound and crystal healing. Since training in these wellness practices, it’s allowed me to tap into higher frequencies to heal the mind and body, and incorporate them into my own spiritual ceremonies.


If you’re seeking a natural way to promote healing and relaxation, you might want to consider Reiki. As a trained practitioner, I can attest to the power of this ancient wellness practice! 

Emerging from Japan, Reiki is based on the idea that we all have a life force energy, known as “ki” or “chi,” that flows through us. When this energy is blocked or depleted, it can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances. Reiki works by channelling this energy through the hands of the practitioner to the recipient, helping to restore the flow and balance of energy.

During a Reiki healing session, you’ll be asked to lie down comfortably. The practitioner will then place their hands on or near your body in various positions, working to channel healing energy to promote relaxation, release tension, and restore balance. The effects of Reiki can be subtle but profound – during the session, you may feel tingling sensations as the energy flows through you, leading you to a sense of peace and calm.

Reiki has become an essential part of my spirituality; it guides my mind to a place of peace and inner calm that I carry with me throughout the day. Through regular self-Reiki sessions, I’ve been able to connect with my own inner-wisdom and intuition, unlocking a deeper understanding of myself.

Wellness practices

Sound Healing

Since exploring further into spirituality and completing my training in sound healing, I’ve discovered how deeply transformative this wellness practice is! With its roots in many ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese, sound has been used for its therapeutic effects on the mind and body. 

One of the things I love most about this wellness practice is its ability to promote healing on many levels. Whether I’m experiencing physical discomfort, emotional distress, or spiritual disconnection, sound healing has the power to help me find relief and restore balance to my life. 

If you’re curious about learning more about this,it’s vital to understand that sound waves have the power to affect us on many levels, from our physical bodies to our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. To harness this power, I have used a variety of tools, including singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and gongs, to create a vibrational frequency that can promote relaxation, release tension, and restore balance to the body and mind.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a wellness practice that works by using the unique energetic properties of crystals and gemstones to support all aspects of our wellbeing. When we use crystals for healing, we’re essentially tapping into the natural vibrational energy of the earth, which can help to restore balance and harmony within our own energy systems. 

The power of crystals isn’t a new discovery – they have been used for thousands of years for protection, health and emotional healing! During my studies, I learned that in India, Ayurvedic medicine has long recognised the healing properties of gems and minerals, and Native American tribes also have a rich history of using crystals in their healing ceremonies.

When working with crystals, I like to focus on setting intentions and using specific stones that resonate with my goals or needs. For example, I might use rose quartz to promote self-love, citrine to enhance creativity, or amethyst to support spiritual growth and connection.

Wellness practices

My time in holistic training has shown me a different perspective on myself and others – and the wonderful part is, it’s not over yet! I still have so much to learn, and many more wellness practices to discover. At our very core, we are energy, and learning to tap into the energies of other forces can entirely reshape our overall wellbeing.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Chakra Chapters: The Solar Plexus Chakra

Welcome to the third chapter in my series of deep dives into the chakras, let’s explore the third in the seven chakra system: the solar plexus chakra. If you missed the two previous stops on our chakra tour, you can learn about the Root Chakra here and the Sacral Chakra here

Located in the upper abdomen, just below the rib cage, the solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power, confidence, and the ability to manifest our desires. I must confess that this chakra is my weakest, and something that I am actively working on strengthening to enhance my core energy and connect more deeply with my personal power.

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The fiery energy of the solar plexus chakra resides in the upper abdomen, nestled in the space between the navel and the diaphragm. This chakra is bathed in the glowing radiance of the sun, its vibrant yellow hues representing the warmth and vitality of the element of fire. It holds the key to unlocking our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and willpower, helping us to ignite the flames of our deepest desires. When in balance, we are filled with a sense of confidence, motivation, and empowerment, ready to take on the world with fiery determination. To bask in the energy of the solar plexus chakra, consider practices like visualisation, affirmations, or creative expression.

Solar Plexus Chakra Blockages

When the radiant energy of the solar plexus chakra is stifled, it can cause a blockage that can wreak havoc on our physical and emotional well-being. It’s like a dam blocking the flow of a powerful river, preventing its natural force from flowing freely. This can lead to a variety of physical symptoms, such as digestive issues, weight gain, and adrenal fatigue, as well as emotional ones, such as feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem, and a lack of motivation.

It’s important to be mindful of the factors that can contribute to the blockage of our solar plexus chakra. This can include negative self-talk, toxic relationships, and a lack of self-care. To prevent blockages from occurring, one must cultivate self-love and set boundaries that honour our inner power. It’s time to awaken the fiery passion within and unleash our true potential.

Thankfully, there are many ways to prevent and release blockages in the solar plexus chakra. By practising yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature, we can connect with our inner power and strengthen our sense of self-worth. We can also engage in practices that stoke the flames of our inner fire, such as creative expression, journaling, or setting intentions that align with our highest purpose. Remember, the power of the solar plexus chakra resides within us, waiting to be unleashed.

Solar Plexus Chakra Blockages

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra


Fasting is a powerful tool to help balance the solar plexus chakra. By abstaining from food, we allow our body to rest and rejuvenate, giving our digestive system a break from the constant demand of processing food. This allows us to tap into the deep well of energy within, cultivating our inner fire and connecting with our inner power. There are many different types of fasts, from intermittent fasting to juice fasting, so it’s important to find the right approach for your body and your needs. I sometimes like to combine fasting with meditation, to make the most of both practices.

Breath of fire 

Breathwork is an incredibly powerful practice with many healing abilities for our mental and physical health. The breath of fire is a powerful breathing technique used in Kundalini yoga to stoke the fires of the solar plexus chakra. To practise this technique, sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight, and begin breathing rapidly and rhythmically through your nose, pumping your belly in and out with each breath. This powerful breathwork can help to increase your energy levels, stimulate your digestive system, and clear any blockages in your solar plexus chakra.

Eating yellow foods helps keep your solar plexus chakra in balance!

Eating yellow foods 

A simple and delicious way to nourish your solar plexus chakra is to eat more yellow foods. Incorporating more of these sunny-hued foods into your diet can help to activate and balance this chakra, as they are associated with the colour of the solar plexus chakra itself. Yellow foods like bananas, squash, turmeric, and lemon are not only vibrant and pleasing to the eye, but they also contain nutrients that support digestive health and boost energy levels. By consuming yellow foods, you can tap into the healing power of nature and connect with the energy of the sun. 

If you want to take your solar plexus chakra balancing to the next level, consider incorporating a vegan or plant-based diet into your lifestyle. Eating a diet that is rich in whole, plant-based foods not only supports physical health, but it can also help to promote a more compassionate and mindful way of living. This can in turn help to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and connection with the world around us.

Chanting Ram

The sound vibration of chanting can be a powerful tool to help balance the solar plexus chakra. The mantra for this chakra is “Ram,” which is believed to activate and stimulate the energy of the solar plexus chakra. To practise chanting Ram, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and repeat the sound of “Ram” aloud or internally. Allow the sound to resonate within your body, awakening your inner fire and strengthening your sense of personal power.

Abs stimulating workouts

Engaging in physical activity that targets the abdominal muscles can help to balance and activate the solar plexus chakra. Yoga posts like plank, bow and boat pose open the solar plexus, toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles, while also increasing blood flow and energy to your core. These poses allow us to tap into our inner fire, igniting our sense of self-worth and power. As we engage in these physical movements, we can envision a bright, yellow light radiating from our solar plexus, clearing any blockages and energising this chakra.


The use of crystals is a common practice in chakra healing. For the solar plexus chakra, there are several crystals that can be used to balance its energy. Citrine is a popular choice, as it is associated with personal power, abundance, and joy. Tigers’ eye is also a great option, as it helps to boost confidence and self-esteem. Yellow calcite is another crystal that can be used to balance the solar plexus chakra, as it promotes a sense of courage and self-worth. Lastly, Libyan desert glass, also known as Libyan gold tektite, is a powerful crystal for the solar plexus chakra, as it helps to release any stagnant energy or blockages that may be present.

To use these crystals, you can simply place them on or near your solar plexus chakra during meditation or throughout the day. You can also carry them with you as a reminder of your intentions to balance your solar plexus chakra. If you’re feeling called to a certain crystal, trust your intuition and work with it in whatever way feels right for you.


Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be used to balance the chakras. With Reiki self-healing, you can focus on healing your own energy centres, including the solar plexus chakra. To do this, simply find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax and focus on your breath. Place your hands on your solar plexus chakra and visualise a warm, healing energy flowing through your hands and into your chakra. You can also use symbols or affirmations to enhance the Reiki energy.

Self-Reiki can be a powerful tool for balancing the solar plexus chakra, as it allows you to connect with your inner power and promote self-healing. It can also help to release any negative emotions or thoughts that may be contributing to a blockage in this chakra. As a trained Reiki practitioner myself, I can attest to the healing benefits of this powerful ritual.

Self-reiki helps connect to your inner power and keep that energy balanced for self-healing.

The solar plexus chakra is all about tapping into your personal power and taking action towards your goals. Remember, the journey towards balance is unique for each individual, so trust in your own intuition and listen to your body’s wisdom. Ignite your inner fire, set your intentions, and take action towards your dreams. Your personal power awaits.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
The Power Combo: Fasting and Meditation

The Power Combo: Fasting and Meditation

Fasting and meditation are two ancient practices used by cultures and religions around the world. While typically practised separately, combining fasting with meditation can be an incredibly powerful  tool to keep minds and bodies healthy, reduce stress and anxiety and promote spiritual growth. Fasting elevates our awareness not just of the emptiness of our bellies, but also the realisation that you are completely fine and in control. This brings a sharper awareness to your consciousness and creates a space of greater intention for your meditative practice.

Not only does fasting detoxify the body, it also detoxifies the mind. The term “hangry” is charged with emotion. When we’re in this state we often find ourselves eating through our emotions rather than sitting and meditating through them. Instead of binge-eating our feelings, we can repurpose our hunger by fasting. The fast creates a deeper meditation, allowing you to focus more clearly and detoxify yourself fully.

Fasting and Meditation

Historical and Cultural Significance

Various religions include fasting in their spiritual practice. Judaism has the Yom Kippur fast, Islam practices during Ramadan, and Christians have Lent. During these periods, individuals abstain from food and/or drink as a way of purifying their bodies and focusing their minds on prayer and meditation. 

Meditation, on the other hand, has been used for centuries in spiritual practices such as Buddhism and Hinduism. An exercise in training the mind, meditation can help one  achieve a state of mental clarity and inner peace.

I personally like to practise meditation during my morning routine when I first wake up or as part of my evening ritual 30 minutes before going to bed.

Benefits of Fasting and Meditation

Blending these two ancient practices unlocks several amazing benefits. Here are some of the most significant ones:

Increased Focus – When you fast, your body takes a break from the process of digestion. While your body isn’t focused on digesting food, your mind can experience greater clarity, making it easier to meditate and concentrate.

Healing – Taking a break from digesting also promotes healing as your body can focus its energy on other vital functions like repairing tissue and fighting inflammation. When combined with meditation, this process can be accelerated, leading to even more improvements in health.  

Less Stress and Anxiety – More and more, people are turning to meditation to help reduce stress and anxiety. When fasting, your body releases natural tranquillisers called ketones that help calm the mind, further alleviating anxiety.


How I Incorporate Fasting and Meditation Into My Routine

Running my own business Plant Essence can be very stressful, and that’s why I make a conscious effort to fast and meditate regularly. Fasting has always felt very natural to me.I even look forward to it and would do it more often if my work permitted me. When I was younger, I was able to practise a disciplined fasting routine. In my adult life, I realise the importance of sustainability and I understand the value of ensuring my body is fueled enough to energise me through my day.  I now stick to a much more practical and manageable fast, usually 12-16 hours. 

I also like to practise meditative breath work during my fasting periods, as my empty stomach heightens my sense of clarity. Combining all of these wonderful practices really helps keep me grounded, allowing me to fully connect and check-in with every part of my mind and body. I find it also boosts my energy throughout the day, and improves my sleep.

Fasted Meditation

How to Fast

Fasting can be incredibly impactful for both physical and mental health, but it is very important to practise fasting safely. Do a little reading on different approaches to fasting, and make sure to be realistic with your goals on expectations.  Here are my top three tips for fasting:

Staying hydrated is key to successful fasting

Start Slowly

If you have never fasted before, it’s best to start slow and dip your toe before diving straight in. Start with a shorter fast and gradually work your way up to longer periods. This will also create a more sustainable approach to fasting, encouraging you to really stick with it in your wellness practice.

Stay Hydrated

It is crucial to keep your body hydrated when fasting. Drink plenty of water, and avoid tea and coffee. The acidity and caffeine in tea and coffee will disrupt the cleansing process and be counterproductive to your detox.

Listen to Your Body

If you start feeling lethargic or experience any unwanted side effects, consider breaking your fast and changing your approach. It is always a good idea to speak to your doctor or a trusted health professional before beginning your fasting journey.

Combining fasting with meditation can be an incredibly powerful way to achieve better health, reduce stress, and increase spiritual growth. These two ancient practices complement each other beautifully, creating a dynamic synergy that helps unlock the full potential of these tools. For best results, it is essential to fast safely and correctly. Give it a try and see for yourself what a difference it makes!

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
My Most Used Vegan Ingredients

My Most Used Vegan Ingredients

Healthy plant-based wraps provide a nutritional meal

Protein and Carbs

No matter how long you’ve been vegan, the one question you hear time and time again is: “where do you get your protein?” And, while protein is, of course, incredibly important, it’s only one of the three macros you need to maintain a balanced diet. Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious, affordable and easily accessible vegan protein sources. My pantry staples are tofu, mushrooms, chickpeas and lentils. 

Tofu: There’s a reason tofu is one of the most popular meat alternative proteins amongst vegans. It’s so versatile. Fried, blended, crumbled, sauteed, baked or even eaten raw – there are countless ways to enjoy tofu. One of my favourites is a breakfast of tofu scramble

Mushrooms: Full of wonderful nutrition, mushrooms are often misunderstood. They’re disliked by people who haven’t given them a chance to impress their taste buds. Mushrooms bring a wonderful umami flavour to any dish and can offer a meaty texture if that’s something you crave. 

I really enjoy trying out the latest vegan dishes at restaurants and cafes. But, you can’t quite beat the satisfaction of cooking yourself a wholesome and nutritious meal using vegan ingredients.

I was a vegetarian for many years before committing to veganism, so I’ve always found food and nutrition interesting. It’s why I went to study the subject at university and started my own plant-based food business, Plant Essence. And, while I love cooking vegan food at home, I understand that for some, stepping into a kitchen and trying to rustle up a balanced, healthy and tasty meal can seem daunting – especially if venturing into plant-based cooking for the first time. 

Which meat and dairy replacements should you use? Should you use them at all? Can you eat chickpeas straight from the can? (Yes, you can!) And, what on earth is aquafaba? 

To set you on the path to confidently cooking vegan food at home, I’ve compiled a list of my most used vegan ingredients with tips and tricks on making the most of them.

Mushrooms bring a wonderful umami flavour to any dish and can offer a meaty texture if that’s something you crave

Chickpeas: Packed with protein, chickpeas are another versatile vegan ingredient. You can add them to curries, make hummus, mash and shape them into burgers or simply enjoy them tossed into a salad. You can even use the liquid from the can, aquafaba, as a vegan egg alternative, whipping it into meringues and mouses. 

Lentils: Just as useful as chickpeas, lentils are tasty in curries, salads and burgers, but they’re also a great alternative to plant-based mince meat – which can be heavily processed and full of salt. Plus, there are plenty of types to choose from, such as green, red and yellow, each providing different flavours and textures. 

While carbs are the easiest macro to source as a vegan, thanks to plenty of options such as rice, pasta and bread, my favourite is the humble potato. 

Potatoes – Unlike bread, potatoes are an unprocessed whole food. You can be safe in the knowledge that you’re consuming all the nutrients they have to offer. And, like many of my staples, they are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in both healthy and more indulgent ways for a balanced vegan diet.

Sweet Treats

Fruits like bananas with agave syrup make pancakes a delicious vegan treat

It’s no secret that I am a self-confessed dessert lover (check out my recent blog to see some of my top guilt-free vegan treats). Since veganism has soared in popularity, supermarkets are brimming with an increasing range of plant-based alternatives for chocolate, cakes, ice creams, cookies and more.

While I am glad to have more options for indulgence, I prefer to opt for natural sources to keep my mind and body in balance. Bananas and agave are my go-to healthy vegan ingredients to satisfy my sweet cravings at home without giving in to highly processed alternatives.

Bananas: Delicious to eat on their own as a snack, bananas are also a great source of natural sweetness to add to cakes, smoothies, pancakes and desserts such as vegan banana ice cream.

Agave: I like to use agave as a vegan alternative to honey to drizzle on pancakes, coconut yoghurt or granola. It’s also an ideal swap for recipes that may call for processed white sugar, such as sweet chilli sauce.


A common misconception I hear about vegan food (usually from meat eaters) is that vegan food is bland. But, this couldn’t be further from the truth! There are plenty of ways to enhance the flavour of your meals. My top three flavour enhancers are nutritional yeast, miso paste and tahini.

Nutritional yeast: A firm favourite in the vegan community, nutritional yeast is the holy grail for adding cheesy flavour to sauces and dips. It’s also a great source of vitamin B12, which can be tricky to obtain in a vegan diet without the help of supplements. 

Miso paste: Available in a variety of types, the most common are white miso and red miso. Both are go-tos of mine for adding to broths, soups and stews to deepen the flavour. 

Tahini: A middle eastern cooking essential, tahini is a thick paste made from sesame seeds. It is often associated with making hummus, but it has so many more uses as a vegan ingredient. Add it to sauces, stews and dressings or simply spread it on toast and enjoy.

As you can see, there are plenty of vegan-friendly ingredients you can experiment with to take your plant-based cooking to the next level in terms of flavour and nutrition. For some easy recipe inspiration, check out my favourite blender recipes and save this blog the next time you head to the supermarket to stock up your pantry!

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Types of Smudge Sticks and How to Use Them

Types of Smudge Sticks and How to Use Them


Are you curious about the ancient practice of smudging? For centuries, various cultures have used smudge sticks for their spiritual and energetic benefits. These bundles of dried herbs, leaves and flowers are ignited and used to cleanse and purify the energy of objects and spaces. It’s like waving a magic wand, except instead of spells, you get to banish negative energy and fill your space with good vibes! 

As someone who practises spirituality and meditation, I use smudge sticks as a part of my daily rituals to deepen my connection with the divine and to create a sacred space for myself. I’ve mentioned in a previous blog how I use a smudge stick during my candle-gazing rituals, as they help guide me to a more transcendental state of mind for meditation. 

But that’s not all that smudge sticks can be used for! The possibilities are endless, from enhancing uplifting or peaceful energy, to cleansing spaces and raising vibrations. If you’re still curious to explore the vast potential of smudge sticks, then read on for more!



Smudge Stick - Dragons Blood Tree
Smudge Stick - Sage

Cleansed and Protected

Smudge sticks are an ancient and powerful tool used for a variety of purposes, but none quite as popular as cleansing and protection. When it comes to selecting a herb for this purpose, Sage reigns supreme. With a wide range of variations including Desert Sage, Cedar Sage, and the ever-popular White Sage, this herb has been revered by Indigenous tribes as a vital component of their spiritual ceremonies. And for good reason! Its potent aroma is known to repel negative energy and attract positivity, making it an essential addition to any sacred space.

But Sage isn’t your only choice when it comes to cleansing and protection – Juniper and Dragon’s Blood smudge sticks are also just as effective! Juniper is thought to have incredible protection qualities, with its smoke creating a barrier between yourself and negative forces. Dragon’s blood smudge sticks, made from the resin of Dragon trees, can help in strengthening your aura. 

To harness the powerful energy of these smudge sticks, I carefully light the end of the bundle and allow the fragrant smoke to permeate every corner of the space. I focus my intention on releasing any negative energy and welcoming in cleansing and protective energies to fill the space. I allow the sweet fragrance to envelope me, and take a deep breath, allowing myself to be fully present in the moment.

Raising Frequency

I often use Palo Santo as a smudge stick to raise my vibration and rid myself of negative energy. It’s said to have a high frequency, promote positivity and help with grounding. Palo Santo is native to South America and has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in shamanic rituals. They share the belief that when the smoke of Palo Santo wood comes into contact with our personal energy field, the tree spirit within the wood eliminates negative thoughts and events, repels malevolent spirits, assisting in restoring a sense of harmony and equilibrium.

When I use Palo Santo as a smudge stick, it guides me into a state of transcendence that’s perfect for my meditation practice. As I light the stick, I envision my energy elevating while my spirit becomes more grounded in the present moment. The high frequency and positive energy of Palo Santo helps me feel more centred and connected to myself and the world around me.


When I’m looking to bring in new and uplifting energy, I turn to lemongrass as a smudge stick. Its refreshing and citrusy aroma is believed to enhance mental clarity and promote positive energy. Using lemongrass in my smudging rituals helps me clear out any negative energy and fill my space with a renewed sense of optimism and positivity.

To incorporate lemongrass into my smudging ritual, I light the end of the bundle and let the fragrant smoke waft throughout the entire space. As the smoke rises, I envision a renewed sense of energy and optimism permeating the atmosphere, uplifting my mood and bringing a fresh perspective to my day.


Lavender is a herb I use for my smudge sticks when I want to bring forth a calming energy. It has a soothing scent that can promote relaxation and peace. We’re all aware of how potent lavender is for aiding a good night’s sleep, hence its popular use in room sprays and essential oils. However, burning a bundle of dried lavender is a far better natural alternative, as it eliminates the harsh chemicals that are often added into synthetic products. 

When I want to invoke calming energy, I light the end of the bundle and let the smoke spread throughout the space, making sure to reach every corner. As part of my nightly rituals, I visualise peaceful and calming energy entering into my space to aid a restful and restorative night’s sleep.




Smudge Stick - Lavender


If you’re seeking to tap into the love frequency, using a rose smudge stick is a perfect avenue to take. It has a sweet and floral scent that can promote self-love, romantic love and friendship. Roses have been a timeless symbol of love, and are closely associated with goddesses’ such as Aphrodite and Venus. When used in a smudge stick, they can be a magical tonic for your heart chakra, allowing you to receive and give love unconditionally. 

When I want a boost of self-love, I light the end of the bundle and let the smoke spread throughout the space around me.  As the smoke rises, I visualise love and positive energy filling my heart chakra and the space around me.



Smudge sticks can be a powerful tool for spiritual and energetic practices, helping to deepen your connection with yourself and the universe. I encourage you to experiment with different smudge sticks and find the ones that resonate with you the most. Remember to always set an intention when using smudge sticks and visualise the energy you want to bring into your space, be it a sense of love, tranquillity or to raise your vibrations.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
My Favourite Guilt-Free Vegan Desserts

My Favourite Guilt-Free Vegan Desserts

I am a huge advocate for adopting a vegan diet as it has many benefits for your health, spirituality and the environment. Done the right way, a vegan diet can be rich in nutrients and low in saturated fats, which can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and other chronic illnesses. It can also help reduce your carbon footprint and decrease the unnecessary suffering of animals, making it the ideal diet choice for anyone that wants to do better for the planet and the creatures we share it with. But many worry that going vegan means missing out on sweet treats like cakes, cookies and ice cream.

However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Vegan desserts can be just as indulgent and delicious as their non-vegan counterparts. And by choosing vegan desserts, you not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also fight against animal cruelty while supporting a healthier food system.

Having studied nutrition at university, I would argue that vegan desserts are an important part of a balanced lifestyle. Treating yourself to a sweet indulgence once in a while can help prevent feelings of deprivation and promote a positive relationship with food. So, don’t be afraid to include vegan desserts in your diet – they can be a delicious and healthy addition to your meals and snacks! So, here are a few of my favourite vegan desserts that I think you’ll absolutely love.

Orange Chocolate Mousse from Plant Essence

If you’re a fan of chocolate and citrusy flavours, then this dessert is perfect for you. The Orange Chocolate Mousse from my own plant-based foodie venture, Plant Essence, is a light and airy dessert made with raw dark chocolate, vegan cream, and orange zest. This vegan dessert is not only delicious but is also packed with antioxidants and healthy fats.


Walnut Brownie from Plant Essence

Another delicious dessert from Plant Essence is the Walnut Brownie. This vegan dessert is made with walnuts, dates, and raw cacao powder, making it both healthy and indulgent. The texture of this dessert is fudgy and moist, and it’s the perfect dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth.



Vegan Milk Choco Biscoff Donut

Chocolate Fudge Brownie Non-Dairy Ice-Cream from Ben & Jerry’s 

Ice cream is a dessert everyone loves, and it’s easy to find since plenty of vegan options are readily available in most supermarkets! The Chocolate Fudge Brownie Non-Dairy Ice-Cream from Ben & Jerry’s is a vegan dessert that is sure to delight your taste buds. This dessert is made with almond milk, fudge brownies and chocolate chunks, making it a perfect indulgence.


Since vegan desserts tend to include more natural, wholesome ingredients and zero animal products, you can bank on them being just as good for your body as they are for your taste buds. Whether you’re a vegan or not, these desserts are sure to satisfy your sweet cravings. So, go ahead and indulge in these treats guilt-free!

Vegan Orange Chocolate Mousse

Milk Choco Biscoff Donut from Donaccino

For a classic dessert with a vegan twist, I highly recommend the Milk Choco Biscoff Donut from Donaccino – a vegan dessert sure to satisfy your sweet cravings. This donut is topped with vegan milk chocolate and a Lotus Biscoff biscuit and filled to the brim with Biscoff spread, making it a delicious and decadent treat!


Cake Me Out dessert from Vibe Café

If you’re someone who loves to eat cookie dough, then you’ll love the Cake Me Out dessert from Vibe Café at the Al Wasl branch in Dubai. This vegan dessert is ultimate decadence with a vegan cookie dough base, topped with chocolate ice cream, crystal sugar and coconut cream. Plus, the space has funky decor., so it’s a great spot to snap some pics while you enjoy your vegan dessert.


Chocolate Fudge Brownie Non-Dairy Ice-Cream

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Spiritual Healing Plants: Amazonian Hapé and Sananga

Spiritual Healing Plants: Amazonian Hapé and Sananga

Spiritual Healing Plants

Amazonian Hapé (Rapé)

Also known as shamanic snuff, Amazonian Hapé is a psychotropic spiritual healing plant used for thousands of years in sacred rituals. Derived from a type of tobacco plant known as mapacho, Hapé isn’t to be smoked like cigarettes but instead administered through the nose.

While tobacco is the main component in Hapé, the final medicine is a mixture of other sacred healing plants. The exact mix of tree barks, leaves, seeds and roots also included is a closely guarded secret by each shaman, meaning each experience is slightly different depending on the combination of the other plants’ healing properties. The ingredients are combined and ground down with a pestle and mortar into a light-coloured powder before being strained through a fine mesh. 

Since Hapé is a psychotropic substance, it’s really important to pay attention to your set (mindset) and setting (physical environment). You want to create an internal and external space that feels safe and intentional. For your set, my advice is to go into the Hapé ceremony with a clear intention in mind. This could be to answer a question you’ve had, find guidance or deepen your connection with yourself. For your setting, choose a space that feels sacred to you with safe energy. If anything doesn’t feel right, it’s best to take a moment to pause, step back and only proceed if you feel comfortable doing so. 

Hapé v-shaped Kuripe pipe

It remains an ancient cultural practice that is still commonly used by Amazonian tribes to enhance their night vision while hunting, but it is fast becoming widely recognised for its additional spiritual healing benefits. These benefits include detoxifying your body, increasing visual perception, clearing pent-up anger, resetting your energetic field, treating ocular diseases and it can even be used in conjunction with other practices to heal depression, anxiety and addiction. 

Since the eyes are incredibly sensitive, administering Sananga can be uncomfortable, and I personally find it quite painful. However, the burning sensation only lasts a few minutes and is actually a big part of the ceremony and the plant’s healing powers. The ceremony leader will guide you through the pain with some deep breathing. Riding through the discomfort is worthwhile as you’ll reap the benefits of the endorphin rush that comes after. I usually experience a sense of detoxification, intense relaxation and overall feel much lighter emotionally and physically.

While it is a potent medicine, you can administer it yourself without a guided ceremony, so long as you double-check (and triple-check) your source is reputable and thoroughly educate yourself beforehand.

Since embarking on my spiritual healing journey, I’ve come to understand how integral it is for me to feel rooted. Connecting with the Earth on a deeper level helps me feel a sense of oneness and calm with myself, others and the world around me. Because of this, I have such a strong sense of gratitude for everything Mother Nature provides. And one of her many gifts is the power of healing plants.

I’ve enjoyed documenting my experience with spiritual healing plants and taking note of how each medicine makes me feel and draws me deeper into my inner self for some time now. In my last blog on the topic, I looked into the powers of Cacao and Blue Lotus, both of which are great if you’ve just started out experimenting with this type of healing. This blog, however, takes things a bit further by looking at slightly more potent plants: Amazonian Hapé and Sananga. 

Since both plants have the potential for more powerful spiritual transformations, I would advise you thoroughly research each medicine and read about other people’s experiences – which I hope this blog will help you with! When you’re confident in your decision, be mindful of your mental state and surroundings (which I go into more detail below) to make sure you feel as supported as possible to let the plants work their magic.

Hapé Tepi applicator instrument

As mentioned, Hapé is administered through the nose, but it’s not snorted or inhaled, instead, it is blown forcefully up the nostrils. If served by someone else they will use a Tepi applicator instrument, and if serving yourself then you’ll need to use a v-shaped Kuripe pipe. 

It’s administered first to the left nostril, signifying death and then to the right for rebirth. It can feel a little uncomfortable when it’s blown into the nose, but this passes, and you’ll quickly begin to feel the effects. It instantly opens and cleanses the pineal gland and relaxes the body. Personally, I find it calms me while raising my awareness, making it perfect before a meditation. 

It goes without saying, always seek out a reputable practitioner to administer or supply Hapé!


Another Amazonian spiritual medicine, Sananga is made from the roots and bark of a shrub found in Brazil and the rest of South America. This healing plant is typically administered as a liquid eye drop, which is extracted by grinding the root and bark into a fine powder to release the juice. 

Spiritual Healing Plants: Amazonian Hapé and Sananga

While I have found that Amazonian Hapé and Sananga have helped me with spiritual healing, that’s not to say they are miracle cures! The journey to deepening your relationship with yourself is a long path you’ll likely be walking for the rest of your life. Plant medicines are just one of the many tools you can use to help you on your way to becoming at peace with yourself, so make sure to use them in combination with other spiritual practices and learning like meditation, movement or reading.

Connect with me on social media!

© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Vegan Blender Recipes

My Top 3 Vegan Blender Recipes

Under the assumption that plant-based diets are challenging? Not with these flavoursome vegan blender recipes! 

It’s been three years since I embarked on my journey into veganism, having already spent many years as a vegetarian. TAs my journey into self-discovery and spirituality deepened, I found that veganism was the most ethical choice for my body, my mind and the planet. Not only has my mental and physical health improved, but consuming a plant-based diet has drastically cut my carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.

I initially thought the transition would be difficult since there’s a popular notion that plant-based diets are boring and bland, but that could not be further from the truth. Since committing myself to veganism, I’ve discovered an abundance of simple, yet delicious recipes. With these vegan blender recipes, it’s never been easier to rustle something up in the kitchen. 

It’s inspired me to blend my own creations, where I’ve made everything from side dishes and desserts to dips and sauces with just a handful of ingredients.

Here are my top three vegan blender recipes for you to try.

Beetroot Hummus

A twist on the traditional recipe, this beetroot hummus is a tasty addition to any meal. Beetroots are a great source of nutrition too; they’re filled with fibre, iron and vitamin C. Plus, they’re great for improving blood flow making this hummus ideal for a post-workout snack. 


1 cup of chickpeas

1 cup of beetroot

Lemon juice


Olive oil

Salt and pepper  



First blend the chickpeas and lemon juice until the texture is smooth, then add the beetroot and tahini along with olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. 

You can follow along with my how-to video here!

Vegan Blender Pesto

Banana Ice Cream

I often find that vegan ice cream can be really expensive and full of unhealthy additives, so I thought why not try making some at home? The most appealing part about this vegan blender recipe is how versatile it is – just swap out the banana for a fruit of your choice to mix it up. 


2 frozen bananas

50 ml plant-based milk

2 tsp vanilla essence




To make this delicious dessert, all you need to do is pop the ingredients into the blender and turn it on. It’s that simple! Tip it out into a bowl and feel free to add any toppings of your choice. 

Check out my how-to video here!

Vegan Blender Beetroot Hummus

Vegan Pesto

This vegan pesto recipe is amazing for meal prepping as it can stay in the fridge for a few days. Use it as a dip, with pasta or even in sandwiches and salads. It’s an incredibly healthy alternative, too! The avocado is especially filled with vitamins, fibre and monounsaturated fats.


Half an avocado

Handful of fresh basil

Handful of pine nuts

Vegan cheese

2 tbsp olive oil

Pinch of Himalayan salt

Black pepper 



This vegan blender recipe calls for half an avocado, fresh basil, vegan cheese, and pine nuts. Add to the blender along with the olive oil, lemon juice, a pinch of Himalayan salt and black pepper. Blend until the texture is smooth and consistent – the perfect sauce for pasta and pizza dishes. 

Watch my how-to video here

Vegan Blender Recipe

I’ve discovered that being vegan doesn’t mean foregoing your favourite recipes – it just means you need to be creative. It’s never been easier (and tastier) to transition to a plant-based diet, with lots of vegan-friendly ingredients readily available in most supermarkets, making it more accessible for everyone. 

And fortunately, there are lots of incredible vegan food blogs out there to follow, including Pick Up Limes and From My Bowl. My personal journey has become an immense source of inspiration for me too, leading me to create my own vegan food venture, Plant Essence

If you’re curious to learn more about the health side of plant-based diets, read my blogs on macro and micro nutrition. Or, if you have any questions that you’d like to ask me about the topic, please feel free to get in touch!

Connect with me on social media!

© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
5 Tips For Staying Vegan After Veganuary

5 Tips For Staying Vegan After Veganuary

There is nothing new about the phrase ‘new year, new me’ or the idea of building healthy habits as the calendar turns to January 1st. However, whether you’ve committed to exercising more, connecting with friends regularly or adopting a healthy diet, the most challenging part is staying committed for the rest of the year. 

According to health psychology researcher, Phillippa Lally, it takes more than 2 months (66 days) on average before a new behaviour becomes a habit. For those of you who have chosen to try out a vegan diet this new year, I hope this blog will give you the motivation you need to make it a permanent lifestyle change.

Taking On Veganuary!

As a passionate vegan of three years, it’s no surprise that I’m a big fan of the non-profit organisation, Veganuary, and its efforts to encourage more people to embrace veganism in January and beyond. The organisation aims to “make powerful strides toward a world where vegan is the norm rather than the exception”, and made huge strides to achieve this last year. At the time of writing, more than 620,000 people from 228 countries have pledged to try a vegan diet this January, bringing the total #Veganuary sign-ups to more than 2 million since the initiative started in 2014. What an achievement!

As mentioned, keeping up with healthy habits is the hardest part of adopting them. So, from someone who’s embraced a vegan diet and lifestyle for 3 years (and been vegetarian for many years before that), here are my top 5 tips on how to stay vegan even after the hype of veganuary has worn off.

Tip 1: Make your favourite go-to recipes vegan-friendly

Embracing a vegan diet shouldn’t feel like a chore. By swapping out a few ingredients in your favourite recipes for plant-based alternatives, you can easily make any meal vegan-friendly. Since adopting a plant-based diet is rising in popularity, suitable recipes are abundant online and there are many ingredients in-store to help support your goals. If you’re on the go, mixing up some healthy ingredients in a blender is a great way to easily incorporate vegan goodness into your diet. 

Tip 2: Plan ahead when eating out

While prepping vegan meals at home can become an easy habit, eating out often stops us in our tracks when trying to embrace a vegan diet fully. Though many chain restaurants now offer plant-based and vegan alternatives, some establishments are still lacking in options. Be sure to think ahead when you’re planning a meal out and research the places that can support your vegan diet, as these are the ones that you’ll keep coming back to!





Tip 5: Don’t get hung up on perfection

Sticking to a diet can be tricky, and the thought of slipping off is daunting. But momentary lapses are only normal and might be circumstantial, like a restaurant not providing vegan food options, or accidentally eating something non-vegan. Don’t beat yourself up if this happens – as long as you can recognise the reasons why and get back on track, then you can continue on your journey.

As with any change or new habit, embracing a new diet takes time and effort, it’s important to give yourself time to ease into the process. If you were previously a meat eater and want to commit to eating plant-based alternatives every day, that might be too much of a change to make all at once. If you’re finding it tough, try going vegan once a week. At the end of the day, anything we can do to make a difference to animals, our planet and ourselves, is a huge step in the right direction.

5 Tips For Staying Vegan After Veganuary

Tip 3: Follow fellow vegans on social media for daily inspiration

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people that are on the same journey as you is a great way to immerse yourself in veganism and be motivated to keep it up. There are many chefs, authors and nutritionists out there who share great content on their websites and socials. As well as Veganuary, I would recommend following Oh She Glows, Deliciously Ella, Tracey McQuirter’s By Any Greens Necessary and Michelle Cehn with World Of Vegan. Plus, I also share regular content about veganism on my social channels (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and TikTok) if you’d like to follow my journey.

Tip 4: Continually educate yourself (and remember why you started)

Remember to stand by your reasons for embracing a vegan diet. Whether that’s because you wanted to make positive changes to your mind and body or protect animals by reducing meat consumption, referring back to your “why” will keep you motivated and committed along your journey. There are many books out there to educate on the importance of veganism, many of which are on my reading wishlist, if you’d like to take a look!

Vegan reading

Embracing A Vegan Lifestyle

The easiest place to start is with a plant-based diet – which is where my relationship with veganism began. Having noticed many positive changes in my mind and body since going vegan, this inspired and motivated me to launch my own plant-based food business, Plant Essence! But, once you’ve nailed the vegan diet, you might want to consider other ways to make your life more vegan-friendly. For me, and many others, veganism isn’t just about diet, as it can be applied to many aspects of your life such as your beauty routine, what you wear and how you decorate your home. 


If you’re keen to learn more about how veganism could positively impact your life, read more in my recent blog about what I learned after adopting a vegan lifestyle. Or, if you have any questions that you’d like to ask me on the topic, please feel free to get in touch!

Connect with me on social media!

© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Balance Your Diet: Micros Edition

Balance Your Diet: Micros Edition

I recently published a blog on the concept of macronutrients and the importance of achieving the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats in your diet. Since then, I have been thinking a lot about the other elements that make up a healthy, balanced diet, and I decided that this topic deserved a part two! So, in today’s blog, I am exploring the lesser-known nutrient group, micronutrients.

What Are Micros?

Micros, or micronutrients, are the essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need but don’t make naturally. They are vital for a wide variety of bodily functions including growth, immune function, brain development, and even preventing and fighting disease. We only need these nutrients in very small amounts, hence the name ‘micronutrients’!

Micros are especially important if you’re following a vegan or plant-based diet, because many of the well-known sources of these nutrients are meat, fish and dairy. However, it is entirely possible to get all of the vital micronutrients your body needs whilst following a healthy, balanced, plant-based diet. In this blog, I will run through five of the most important micronutrients, why our bodies need them, and some of my favourite vegan-friendly foods that contain them.


One of the most important micronutrients, iron supports natural growth and development. Your body uses iron to make haemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body from the lungs, and myoglobin, the protein that provides oxygen to your muscles. Your body also requires iron to make many of the hormones it makes naturally. 

Some of my favourite sources of iron are lentils, beans, tofu, dark chocolate and dried apricots – or, you can boost your daily requirement with iron tablets.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B-12 (also known as cobalamin) is essential for bone health, red blood cell formation, nerve function and the production of DNA. It is also closely associated with mood regulation and energy levels. 

One of my favourite sources of B12 is marmite, but I also take an IV drip twice a month to top up on B12. If you don’t want to take B12 via IV, or there is nowhere close to you that offers the service, you can also find B12 tablets at most pharmacies or health food stores.

Mushrooms bring a wonderful umami flavour to any dish and can offer a meaty texture if that’s something you crave


An important ingredient in the recipe for DNA, zinc is also vital for building proteins, healing damaged tissue and supporting a healthy immune system. It is particularly important during periods of growth, such as childhood and pregnancy, as it helps cells to multiply and grow.

Some of my favourite sources of zinc are quinoa, chickpeas, beans, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Is That All?

While these five nutrients are widely considered the most important, there are actually 20 vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. Scroll to the bottom of this blog for the full list, with sources and recommended daily allowances (RDAs). 

Contemplating the micronutrients in your diet can feel quite daunting, but don’t worry! The chances are, your diet is probably already rich in most of the nutrients your body needs. The best way to find out is to monitor your food intake through a diet-tracking app like MyFitnessPal, Cronometer or MyMacros+. This way, you can see if you’re already hitting your RDAs and, if you’re not, you can make some adjustments to ensure you are (such as taking supplements or adding a new ingredient to your usual breakfast, lunch or dinner).

Balance Your Diet: Micros Edition

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps your body to absorb and retain calcium and phosphate – nutrients which are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with bone deformities, pain and chronic inflammation, so it is important to keep up your intake. 

Some of my favourite sources of vitamin D are portobello mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, almond milk and lots of sunshine!

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are linked to many health benefits, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, improving eye health, improving risk factors of heart disease and reducing inflammation. They have been shown to help prevent heart disease, strokes, cancer, and may even control lupus, eczema and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Some of my favourite sources of omega 3 are algae, seaweed, flax seeds and spirulina.




Micro nutrients

A Micro-Nutrient Booster

My favourite way to give my body a boost of micronutrients is by making this nutrient-rich smoothie once a week. All I do is drop the following five ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth, and then enjoy! 

  • Hemp protein
  • Spirulina powder
  • Flax seeds
  • Frozen banana 
  • Almond milk 

Want to know more about balancing your vegan diet? Read my first blog in the ‘Balancing Your Diet’ series, which focused on macronutrients, here.



Full Micronutrient List


Nutrient Vegan Sources RDA
A Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach 700-900 mcg
B1 Whole grains 1.1-1.2 mg
B2 Nutritional yeast, mushrooms, mange-tout 1.1-1.3 mg
B3 Leafy greens, beans 14-16 mg
B5 Mushrooms, avocado 5 mg
B6 Carrots, potatos 1.3 mg
B7 Almonds, spinach, sweet potatos 30 mcg
B9 Black-eyes peas, spinach, asparagus 400 mcg
B12 Nutritional yeast, fortified soy or cereals, tempeh 2.4 mcg
C Citrus fruits, bell peppers, brussell sprouts 75-90 mg
D Sunlight 600–800 IU
E Sunflower seeds, wheat germ, almonds 15 mg
K Leafy greens, soybeans, pumpkin 90-120 mcg
Calcium Leafy greens, broccoli 2,000–2,500 mg
Phosphorus Nuts, lentils, chickpeas 700 mg
Magnesium Almonds, cashews, black beans 310–420 mg
Sodium Salt, processed foods, canned soup 2,300 mg
Chloride Seaweed, salt, celery 1,800–2,300 mg
Potassium Lentils, acorn squash, bananas 4,700 mg
Sulfur Garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts, mineral water None established


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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra