Easy Swaps to Make Your Favourite Meals Plant-Based

Easy Swaps to Make Your Favourite Meals Plant-Based

Veganism, a genuine and profound passion in my life, is an ethos that resonates deeply. It’s a commitment to aligning my choices with compassion for all beings and the planet. Embracing this lifestyle has taught me a great deal, but one thing I’ve learned is that transitioning to a plant-based diet doesn’t mean giving up the dishes you love. With a few creative swaps, you can transform your favourite meals into delicious and satisfying plant-based versions. These easy substitutions not only make your meals cruelty-free but also enhance their nutritional value. Let’s explore some practical ways to turn your go-to meals into tasty plant-based delights.

Plant-Based Swaps

Milk Alternatives

In recipes that call for milk, replace dairy milk with a variety of plant-based options. Oat milk, almond milk, and soy milk are excellent choices. They work well in recipes and even froth nicely for your morning coffee. These alternatives add a creamy texture without compromising on taste.

Vegan Cheese

Cheese lovers, rejoice! Vegan cheese has come a long way and now offers a wide range of flavours and textures. From mozzarella and cheddar to feta and cream cheese, you can find plant-based options that melt, stretch, and satisfy your cheesy cravings. Add them to pizzas, sandwiches, salads, and more.

Egg Alternatives

When it comes to baking or binding, eggs can be easily replaced. One versatile substitute is aquafaba – the liquid from a can of chickpeas. It acts as an excellent egg replacer for recipes like cakes, cookies, and pancakes. For scrambles or omelettes, tofu can be seasoned and cooked to mimic the texture and taste of eggs.

Meat Replacements

Plant-based diets often get a bad rap for not providing enough protein, but as we busted those myths in a previous blog, you should already know all the wonderful protein-packed plant-based foods out there!

Jackfruit is a game-changer in the world of plant-based meals, and my personal favourite meat alternative. With its meaty texture and ability to absorb flavours, jackfruit makes an excellent substitute for pulled pork, chicken, or even seafood. When cooked and seasoned, jackfruit can be used in tacos, sandwiches, curries, and stir-fries, providing a satisfying and hearty meal.

tofu scramble

Make Your Meals Vegan

Breakfast Classics

For breakfast, whip up a delicious plant-based scramble using tofu, turmeric, and your favourite veggies. Or enjoy fluffy pancakes made with oat milk and topped with fresh berries. Swap traditional bacon for tempeh bacon or sautéed mushrooms for a savoury side.

jackfruit tacos


Plant-Based Burgers and Tacos

Craving a juicy burger or a flavorful taco? Replace traditional meat patties with plant-based alternatives. Opt for patties made from black beans, chickpeas, lentils, or even portobello mushrooms. These options offer a hearty texture and rich flavour that’s surprisingly reminiscent of the real thing. Toss in some spices and herbs to enhance the taste, and you’ll have a mouthwatering burger or taco filling that’s entirely plant-based.

Lasagne and Pasta

Lasagne is a comfort food favourite. Swap out the meat for layers of sautéed spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, and plant-based ricotta or cashew cheese. The creamy texture of the ricotta combined with the savoury vegetables will give your lasagne a satisfying taste and mouthfeel. For pasta dishes, use whole wheat or gluten-free noodles and top with marinara sauce loaded with veggies or a dairy-free pesto.

Pizza Night Reimagined

Make your pizza night plant-based by using a variety of veggies as toppings. Load up on mushrooms, bell peppers, spinach, onions, and even pineapple for a burst of flavour. Pair these toppings with dairy-free cheese, and you won’t miss the traditional version at all.

Remember, balance is key. While these plant-based swaps can turn your favourite meals into healthier versions, remember that balance is essential. Incorporate a variety of whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds into your diet to ensure you’re getting a diverse range of nutrients. Experiment, have fun in the kitchen, and explore the world of plant-based cuisine. With a bit of creativity and a willingness to explore new flavours, you’ll discover a world of delicious plant-based meals that nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds.

In need of ideas for dinner? Check out my vegan food venture, Plant Essence, where I curate straightforward yet scrumptious vegan dishes designed for your home cooking.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Manifesting is a powerful tool

Manifesting for Beginners

Manifesting is a powerful tool that allows you to shape your reality by harnessing the energy of your thoughts, intentions, and beliefs. It’s about aligning your inner world with your outer world to attract positive outcomes. Whether you’re new to the concept or looking to refine your manifesting skills, this guide will walk you through the principles and practices to help you manifest your desires and dreams.

Understanding Manifesting Principles

At the heart of successful manifesting are three fundamental principles that guide the process, enabling you to harness the power of your intentions and beliefs to shape your reality.

For effective manifesting, you must be clear with your intentions

Clarity of Intention

To effectively manifest your desires, you must first gain crystal-clear clarity about what you wish to bring into your life. The more specific and detailed your intention, the more focused your energy becomes. Vague intentions yield vague results, as they lack the direction needed for the universe to respond effectively. Take the time to delve deep into your desires. Ask yourself what you truly want, and then articulate it in precise detail. This clarity acts as a beacon, guiding your energy toward a specific goal, making the manifestation process more effective and efficient.

Belief and Positivity

Your beliefs have the power to shape your reality. Manifesting begins with cultivating an unshakable belief in the possibility of your desires coming true. Doubt and scepticism can sabotage the process. Instead, nurture an unwavering belief that what you desire is not only possible but attainable. Pair this belief with positivity. Negative thoughts and emotions create resistance, hindering the flow of energy necessary for manifestation. By maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on the potential for your desires to materialise, you create a fertile ground for manifestation to occur.

Energy Alignment

Everything in the universe is energy, and your thoughts, emotions, and actions are no exception. Manifesting involves aligning your energy with your intentions. Think of your desires as a radio station you want to tune into. To pick up the desired frequency, you need to be on the same wavelength. Similarly, aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your intentions creates a magnetic force that draws your desires closer. This alignment signals to the universe that you’re ready to receive what you’re asking for. It’s about living as if what you want is already on its way, infusing your energy with the anticipation of success.

Incorporating these manifesting principles into your practice provides a strong foundation for your intentions to take shape. Remember, manifesting is not just about wishing; it’s about aligning your inner world with the universe’s energy, ensuring that your desires resonate with the vibrations of creation.

Practical Manifesting Practices


Create affirmations in the present tense that align with your intention. Repeat them daily to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive beliefs. For example, “I am abundant and attract opportunities effortlessly.”


Spend a few minutes each morning and night visualising your desired outcome. Feel the emotions associated with achieving it. Visualisation imprints your subconscious mind, making your intention more potent.


Write a detailed script of your life as if your desires have already manifested. Describe your daily experiences, feelings, and interactions. This practice amplifies your belief in your manifestation.

Vision Boards

Vision boards are visual representations of your goals and dreams. They serve as powerful tools to make your intentions more tangible and specific. Creating a vision board allows you to focus your energy on what you want to manifest.


Create affirmations in the present tense

I’ve personally experienced the incredible impact of vision boards in your manifesting practice. I created one that featured images of travel destinations, adorable dogs, vegan food, and motivational fitness quotes. As I looked at it daily, it kept my intentions clear and inspired me to take action. I found myself researching travel options, exploring new vegan recipes, and embracing a healthier lifestyle. Before I knew it, I was jetting off to stunning destinations, savouring delicious plant-based meals, and embracing a fit and energetic lifestyle.

manifesting dream getaways

My Personal Manifesting Practice

Utilising mood boards and affirmations became instrumental in materialising my vegan business endeavour, Plant Essence. Immersed in vibrant images of flourishing greenery and bolstered by affirmations of business success, not only did I successfully launch a thriving venture, but I also attracted kindred collaborators and customers who resonated deeply with my vision.

Furthermore, the transformative power of mood boards extended to fostering meaningful friendships and even manifesting dream getaways to enchanting destinations like Santorini and Bali. These visual representations and empowering affirmations served as constant, tangible reminders of my aspirations, and remarkably, the universe responded in kind.

Manifesting is about aligning your energy and focus with your desires. Whether you’re crafting affirmations, visualising success, scripting your future, or creating vision boards, the key is to infuse your intentions with positivity and unwavering belief. As you venture forth on your path of manifestation, it’s vital to trust in the process and bear witness to the enchantment that unfolds in your life. Through consistent practice and an open-hearted approach, you have the power to manifest the life you’ve long envisioned.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Grounding Techniques

5 Grounding Techniques to Relieve Anxiety

Amongst the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from our natural surroundings. Grounding, also known as earthing, offers a simple yet powerful solution to alleviate anxiety and restore our inner balance. By connecting with the earth beneath us, we can find solace, centre our minds, and experience a sense of calmness that transcends daily stressors. 

There’s no wrong way to approach grounding; for me, personally, I find solace in grounding through yoga poses, nourishing my body with grounding foods  (such as root vegetables, whole grains and fruit)  and indulging in the rejuvenating embrace of a sound bath. Let’s explore five grounding techniques you can easily practice whenever anxiety strikes, allowing you to tap into the healing power of Mother Earth.

Walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil is an instant grounding technique

Walking Barefoot

Step out of your shoes and feel the earth beneath your feet! Walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil is an instant grounding technique. As your bare skin connects with the earth’s energy, you absorb its healing vibrations. Take a mindful stroll, focus on each step, and let the earth’s gentle embrace soothe your worries away.

Lying on the Ground

Find a quiet spot outdoors, lie down, and rest your body on the earth’s surface. Letting your body make direct contact with the ground helps discharge any built-up stress and tension. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and allow yourself to become fully present in the moment. Feel the support of the earth beneath you, and visualise your worries dissipating into the soil.


Spending time in a garden can be a profoundly grounding experience. As you plant seeds, tend to the soil, and witness the growth of plants, you connect with the cycles of nature. Gardening allows us to nurture life, fostering a sense of purpose and connection with the earth’s abundant energy.

Touching Water

Water is a potent conductor of grounding energy. Whether it’s dipping your feet in a natural stream, taking a relaxing bath, or simply splashing your face with water, these acts can instantly calm your mind and restore a sense of balance. The gentle flow of water connects us with the flow of life, reminding us to let go and embrace the present moment.

Earthing Equipment

If going outside is not feasible, earthing equipment provides an excellent alternative. Grounding mats, sheets, or patches allow you to receive the earth’s electrons indoors. These tools can be used while working, sleeping, or simply relaxing, providing you with the benefits of earthing without leaving your home.


Water is a powerful conductor of grounding energy.

Grounding is a transformative practice that brings us back to our roots, both literally and figuratively. By incorporating these grounding techniques into your daily routine, you can create a profound shift in your well-being. As you let go of worries and stress, the earth nourishes your body and soul with its healing energy, leaving you feeling centred, refreshed, and renewed. Embrace the simplicity and power of grounding, and experience a newfound sense of calmness and connection in your life.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Plant-Based Proteins: Debunking the Myths

Plant-Based Proteins: Debunking the Myths

In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, plant-based diets have taken centre stage, enticing health enthusiasts and environmental advocates alike.  When beginning your journey into plant-based diets, it is important to ensure you are receiving all the nutrients you need, keeping an eye on both your macro and micronutrients

Plant-based diets boast a whole host of protein-rich foods

Despite their surging popularity, a cloud of misconceptions and myths shrouds the realm of plant-based proteins, casting doubt on the feasibility and adequacy of this dietary choice. Let’s embark on a journey to debunk these myths, unravel the truth, and discover the remarkable benefits of plant-powered protein sources.

Myth #1: Plant-Based Diets Lead to Protein Deficiency

One of the prevailing misconceptions about plant-based diets centres around the notion of inadequate protein intake. However, let me assure you that it’s nothing but a myth. Plant-based diets boast a cornucopia of protein-rich foods, and with mindful planning and a diverse array of plant-based options, meeting your protein needs becomes a breeze. In fact, esteemed health organisations affirm that well-structured plant-based diets can effortlessly supply all essential amino acids and fulfil your protein requirements. So, rest assured, you can thrive on a plant-powered journey without missing out on this vital nutrient!

Myth #2: Plant Proteins Are Incomplete

Here’s another common myth to set straight: the assumption that plant-based proteins are incomplete. While it’s true that certain plant foods may contain lower levels of specific amino acids, the key lies in embracing dietary diversity. By incorporating a rich assortment of plant-based protein sources throughout your day, you effortlessly create a complete amino acid profile. So, bid farewell to this misconception—our bountiful plant kingdom has an abundance of protein-packed options, empowering you to nourish your body with all the essential amino acids it craves for vibrant health and well-being.

Plant-Based Protein Powerhouses

Now that we’ve debunked the myths, it’s time to revel in the variety of plant-based protein sources that will fuel your plant-powered journey to new heights. Embracing variety is the key to unlocking the full potential of plant-based proteins. By savouring a diverse array of plant foods, you’re providing your body a symphony of nutrients, while effortlessly meeting your protein requirements. Don’t take my word for it – the proof is in the protein!


Pea Protein
Derived from yellow split peas, this easily digestible gem shines bright in protein powders, shakes, and plant-based meat alternatives.

Hemp Protein
The mighty protein powder is derived from hemp seeds, offering a complete amino acid profile, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibre.

Made from soybeans, this chameleon of the plant kingdom elevates stir-fries, curries, sandwiches, and smoothies with its protein-packed goodness.

A culinary delight with a nutty flavour and firm texture, tempeh’s riches include protein, probiotics, and minerals, thanks to its fermentation magic.



Chickpeas are a protein-packed plant-based snack
Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based protein


Versatile and brimming with protein, fibre, and essential nutrients, lentils add a nutritious boost to soups, stews, salads, and delightful lentil-based patties.

From black beans to kidney beans and beyond, beans shower us with protein, fibre, and antioxidants, perfectly mingling with salads, soups, and savoury dips.

Irresistible in curries, salads, or even roasted as a crunchy snack, chickpeas deliver protein, fibre, and minerals with every delightful bite.

Chia Seeds
Don’t be fooled by their size—chia seeds pack a punch with protein, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids, seamlessly enhancing smoothies, yoghurt, and chia seed pudding. For an extra protein punch, I like to add chia seeds to my breakfast, like in a delicious bowl of overnight oats.

In the colourful tapestry of nutrition, plant-based proteins shine as an abundant, versatile, and nutritionally dense array of choices. By debunking the myths surrounding protein deficiency and incomplete amino acid profiles, we open ourselves up to the vast array of plant-based protein sources available. Embrace the power of plant-based proteins and thrive on your path to a more sustainable, compassionate, and nutrient-rich lifestyle! 

Stuck for inspiration? Take a look at my foodie venture Plant Essence, where I create simple and delicious vegan meals for you to make at home.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
The basics of chanting

The Basics of Chanting

Chanting, a powerful practice that transcends cultures and traditions, has long been used as a means of spiritual connection and self-transformation. Rooted in ancient traditions and spiritual disciplines, chanting involves the rhythmic repetition of sacred sounds or mantras.

The Origins of Chanting

Chanting has a rich and diverse history, originating from various spiritual traditions across the globe. From Vedic chants in Hinduism to Gregorian chants in Christianity, the practice of chanting has been used to invoke spiritual presence, heighten awareness, and cultivate inner peace. The repetition of sacred sounds or mantras is believed to create vibrational shifts that align the body, mind, and spirit, leading to a state of harmony and transcendence.

The Benefits of Chanting

Chanting offers a multitude of benefits for our overall well-being, from physical and mental relaxation to spiritual awakening. Regular practice can help reduce stress, calm the mind, and enhance focus and concentration. Chanting also stimulates the release of endorphins, promoting feelings of joy and inner bliss. Moreover, it can deepen our connection to the divine, expand consciousness, and nurture a sense of interconnectedness with all beings.


Choosing a mantra adds a personal layer to your chanting practice
benefits of chanting

Selecting a Mantra

Choosing the right mantra is a deeply personal and intuitive process. Consider selecting mantras that resonate with your intentions and spiritual path. Some widely embraced mantras include:


The universal sound of creation and consciousness, Om represents the essence of all that is. Chanting Om can help align the body, mind, and spirit, bringing about a sense of inner harmony and unity.

Aham Prema

This mantra embodies the vibration of divine love. By chanting Aham Prema, we invoke and cultivate unconditional love within ourselves and extend it to all beings.

Om Namah Shivaya 

This mantra is associated with Lord Shiva, representing the divine consciousness. Chanting Om Namah Shivaya can purify the mind, dissolve limitations, and awaken our inherent divine nature.

Specific Mantras for Each Chakra

To specifically target and balance the energy centres within the body, incorporate specific mantras for each of the chakras. Chant “Lam” for the root chakra to ground and connect with the earth’s energy. Enhance creativity and sensual expression with “Vam” for the sacral chakra. Ignite personal power and confidence by chanting “Ram” for the solar plexus chakra. Open the heart and foster love and compassion with the mantra “Yam” for the heart chakra. Enhance communication and authentic self-expression with “Ham” for the throat chakra. Awaken intuition and expand consciousness with “Aum” or “Sham” for the third eye chakra. Connect with divine consciousness and experience transcendence by chanting “Om” or embracing the power of silence for the crown chakra.

Establishing a Chanting Routine

To fully experience the benefits of chanting, it is important to establish a regular practice. Create a sacred space in your home where you can chant without distractions. Dedicate a specific time each day to immerse yourself in the practice. Begin with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration as you feel comfortable. Consistency is key, so commit to your practice with reverence and devotion.

As you chant, find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and focus your attention on the sound and vibration of the mantra. Allow the repetition to become a meditative experience, surrendering to the rhythm and resonance. Feel the vibration permeate your entire being, harmonising your body, mind, and spirit.

Incorporating chanting into your daily routine can also enhance your practice. You may chant in the morning to set positive intentions for the day or in the evening to unwind and find inner peace before restful sleep. Experiment with different techniques, such as rhythmic chanting, melodic chanting, or call-and-response chanting, to discover what resonates with you.

Establishing a Chanting Routine

Chanting is a profound practice that allows us to tap into our inner essence and connect with the sacred vibrations of the universe. As you embark on your chanting journey, embrace the power of sacred sounds and mantras to awaken your inner harmony. Whether you choose Om, Aham Prema, or any other mantra, let your voice become an instrument of transformation and transcendence. Through the rhythmic repetition of these sacred sounds, may you discover the beauty of your own divine nature and experience the profound healing and awakening that chanting offers.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Body positivity and self-love

Embracing Body Positivity: A Journey to Self-Love

In a world that often places unrealistic standards of beauty, embracing body positivity becomes an empowering act of self-love. Recognising and celebrating our unique body shapes, sizes, and appearances are essential, as they reflect our individuality and diversity. By cultivating a positive body image and practising body positivity, we can foster a strong sense of self-esteem, reduce negative self-talk, and create a nurturing environment for personal growth. Let’s explore the importance of embracing body positivity, its impact on self-esteem, and practical practices to cultivate self-love in our daily lives.

The power of body positivity

Embracing Your Unique Body

Each of us possesses a beautifully unique body, a vessel that carries us through life’s adventures. Embracing our body means accepting it as it is, free from judgement or comparison. By shifting our perspective, we can appreciate the amazing capabilities and strengths our bodies possess. Remember, beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and it is our diversity that makes us truly remarkable.

The Power of Body Positivity

Body positivity is more than a movement; it is a mindset and a way of life. By adopting a body-positive mindset, we can dismantle societal beauty standards and challenge harmful narratives that perpetuate negative body image. Cultivating body positivity involves replacing negative self-talk with self-acceptance, self-love, and appreciation for our bodies’ unique qualities. It allows us to focus on our strengths, rather than fixating on perceived flaws, and nourishes our overall well-being.

Practices for Self-Love and Body Positivity


Engage in activities that promote self-care and prioritise your well-being. This may include relaxing baths, practising mindfulness, or indulging in hobbies that bring you joy.

Positive Body Language 

Smile, stand tall, and embrace positive body language. Our physical posture can impact our mental state and influence how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.

Detox from Social Media 

Take breaks from social media platforms that promote unrealistic beauty standards and trigger comparison. Instead, focus on activities that allow you to be present and fully engaged in the real world. Personal experience has shown that stepping away from social media can free up time for self-reflection and pursuing meaningful activities.

embrace positive body language

Positive Affirmations 

Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Repeat phrases such as “I love and accept myself” or “I am worthy and deserving of love and respect.” Affirmations help rewire negative thought patterns and reinforce self-love and acceptance.

Rituals for Self-Love 

Explore personal rituals that promote self-love, such as going for massages, engaging in physical exercise that brings you joy, and occasionally incorporating fasting as a way to honour your body and reset your relationship with food.

Remember, learning to love and accept yourself is an ongoing journey, and it is normal to have moments of self-doubt. Be patient and kind to yourself throughout this process, allowing space for growth and self-discovery. Surround yourself with a supportive community that celebrates and uplifts body diversity. Celebrate the unique beauty that resides within you and embrace the love and acceptance you deserve. You are deserving of love, respect, and acceptance just as you are. Embrace the journey of self-love and let your body be a vessel of joy, strength, and empowerment.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
The Ho'oponopono Mantra Method

The Ho'oponopono Mantra Method

An ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice, Ho’oponopono is a set of profound healing mantras that can shift your mindset from a fixed one of lack to a growth mindset built on love. Based on principles of interconnectedness and compassion, the practice holds a mirror up to ourselves and asks us to take and share responsibility no matter what has happened. 

Accepting responsibility is being honest with yourself about your fixed mindset. Whether consciously or not, you are responsible for your thoughts, actions and feelings. Instead of allowing limiting beliefs to take control, acknowledge them and take responsibility. From there, you can transform your mindset.

There are four simple steps to the Ho’oponopono method: Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love. While Ho’oponopono is used to heal problems outside of yourself, it can be easier to start by choosing something you already know you have caused. This could be an addiction, a sullied relationship or negative behaviour patterns.

A white candle and sage creates a purified energy for chanting

In my Ho’oponopono practice, I like to begin by smudging my space with sage and lighting a white candle. Then I visualise the person I want to forgive and let go and chant the mantra to them. Sometimes I also incorporate cord cutting as a physical manifestation of releasing what no longer serves my highest self. I find it helpful to follow guided meditations like this one to harness the full potential of this powerful healing mantra.

To begin your own Ho’oponopono ritual, bring to mind the issue or relationship you want to heal and build a deeper connection. Centre yourself, breathe deeply, visualise the person (or yourself) and imagine golden light filling your heart with compassion, gratitude and love. Imagine the golden light overflowing and pouring into the person in front of you as you repeat the mantra steps below.

Step One – Repentance

Once you identify what you need to heal, you must take responsibility by apologising. Say you are sorry and mean it. Really feel it in your heart that you are sorry. Feel remorse that something in your consciousness (whether aware or not) caused the issue you wish to heal. 

Step Two – Forgiveness 

Hold onto the remorse you now feel and ask for forgiveness. It doesn’t matter whether you ask yourself, a particular person or the universe, just ask to be forgiven. Repeat this until you feel it wholeheartedly.

Step Three – Gratitude 

Again, it doesn’t matter who you direct your thanks to, but be grateful. Say thank you to whatever it was that just forgave you. Repeat until you feel it. 

Step Four – Love 

Love is the most powerful force, so tap into it. Say “I love you” to anything you feel called to. Shower yourself in love, your home, your friends and family, the air you breathe and the challenges you face. Allow the love to pour in and out of you.

Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Love

Ho’oponopono offers a profound path to healing and transformation. By embracing the principles of interconnectedness, compassion, and responsibility, we can shift our mindset from lack to love. Starting with ourselves, we take ownership of our thoughts, actions, and feelings, paving the way for inner growth and harmony. 

Through the four steps of Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Love, we engage in a powerful process of self-reflection and reconciliation. By chanting the healing mantras, and visualising and sending golden light, we cultivate compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude towards ourselves and others. With each repetition, we invite healing into our lives and foster a deep sense of love and connection.

Ho'oponopono offers a powerful process of self-reflection and reconciliation

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
Somatic shaking

Shake It Out: How To Regulate Your Nervous System With Somatic Shaking

The practice of somatic shaking is based on the body's natural "fight or flight" response

In recent years, a rising trend known as somatic shaking has gained recognition as a powerful practice for regulating the nervous system and promoting overall well-being. This unique technique involves intentionally inducing a tremor or shaking in the body to release stored tension and stress. While it may seem unconventional, somatic shaking is rooted in science and has been found to offer numerous physical and mental health benefits.

Somatic shaking is based on the body’s natural instinct to release stress and trauma through trembling. When faced with a threat or experiencing intense emotions, the body responds by activating the sympathetic nervous system, triggering a “fight or flight” response. However, if the body is unable to complete the natural discharge of this activated energy, it can become stored as tension, leading to various physical and emotional issues over time.

As someone who has embraced the practice of somatic shaking, I can attest to its immediate relief and transformative effects. When I first encountered somatic shaking, I approached it with scepticism. However, as I surrendered myself to the practice in a safe space with comfortable clothing, I felt a profound shift within me. The gentle tremors that coursed through my body seemed to release layers of tension, leaving me feeling lighter and more centred. The cathartic experience provided me with a renewed sense of vitality, clarity, and inner peace.

Benefits of Somatic Shaking

Engaging in regular somatic shaking can yield profound benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Physically, it promotes the release of muscular tension, increases blood flow, and enhances the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Mentally, somatic shaking allows for the release of pent-up emotions, reduces anxiety, and improves overall emotional resilience. Additionally, this practice can help improve body awareness, restore a sense of groundedness, and foster a deep connection between the mind and body.

How to Practise Somatic Shaking

To embark on your own somatic shaking journey, it is important to create a safe and comfortable space free from distractions. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted movement. Begin by grounding yourself through deep, conscious breathing. Then, invite the tremors into your body by gently shaking different parts, starting with your hands, arms, and shoulders, and gradually progressing to other areas like the legs and hips. Allow the shaking to emerge naturally, surrendering to the innate wisdom of your body.

During the practice, remember to maintain a non-judgmental attitude and let go of any expectations. Focus on the sensations and allow them to flow freely, trusting that your body knows how to release stored tension. After the shaking subsides, take a few moments to rest and observe the newfound stillness within you. Embrace the sense of renewal and integration that arises.

To practice somatic shaking, be sure to find a safe space and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Somatic shaking offers a transformative pathway to regulate the nervous system, release accumulated stress, and cultivate a deep mind-body connection. Backed by scientific understanding and the personal experiences of many practitioners, this practice has the potential to unlock profound physical and mental health benefits. By incorporating somatic shaking into your wellness routine and approaching it with an open mind, you can tap into its therapeutic power and experience the profound liberation it brings. So, shake it out and embrace the profound healing that awaits within you.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
The Crown Chakra

The Chakra Chapters: The Crown Chakra

We have explored the intricate realms of each chakra, from the grounded Root Chakra to the ethereal Third Eye Chakra. Now, we arrive at the pinnacle of our exploration—the Crown Chakra. In this final instalment, we will dive deep into the essence of the crown chakra, understanding its significance, recognising blockages, and discovering powerful practices to restore balance and harmony. Prepare to embark on a spiritual quest that connects you to the divine energy flowing through the crown chakra. If you missed any blogs on the other six chakras, be sure to visit my blog page to learn more!

What is the Crown Chakra?

The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the highest energy centre located at the top of the head. It is associated with pure consciousness, spiritual connection, and enlightenment. Representing our connection to the divine and the universal energy, the crown chakra transcends the boundaries of the physical world, allowing us to experience the profound unity of all things. It radiates a vibrant violet or white light, symbolising the purity and transcendence of consciousness. By opening and balancing the crown chakra, we can tap into higher states of awareness, expanded perception, and profound wisdom. It serves as a bridge between the individual self and the divine, offering a path to spiritual growth and a deep connection with the limitless essence of the universe.

Crown Chakra Blockages

How to Balance the Crown Chakra

Meditation & Candle Gazing

Meditation serves as a powerful tool for connecting with the divine and promoting inner clarity. When combined with fasting, it can amplify the purification of both the body and mind, fostering a deeper connection to the higher realms. Guided meditations can be helpful for focusing your meditative practice on the blocked chakra.

Candle gazing is another form of meditation that can be particularly beneficial for the crown chakra. Create a tranquil space for your meditation practice, and in this sacred environment, light a candle to serve as a focal point. Fix your gaze upon the flame, observing its gentle flickering movements. As you immerse yourself in the mesmerising dance of light, allow your mind to settle into a state of calmness and receptivity. Open yourself to the divine wisdom and guidance that flows through the crown chakra, embracing the profound unity and interconnectedness of all things.

Crown Chakra Blockages

When the crown chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it can lead to a sense of disconnection from the divine and a lack of spiritual purpose. Mental symptoms may include confusion, apathy, and a limited understanding of life’s greater meaning. Emotionally, blockages can manifest as feelings of isolation and detachment from others and the universal energy that binds us. Physically, chronic headaches or migraines may occur as a result of the disharmony in the crown chakra.

These blockages can leave us feeling lost, without a sense of purpose, and disconnected from higher realms. We may struggle to find meaning in life, experience apathy towards spiritual pursuits, and feel emotionally detached. The confusion and lack of mental clarity can hinder decision-making, while chronic headaches serve as physical indicators of energetic disharmony. Recognising these signs and symptoms is crucial for our spiritual well-being. By addressing and balancing the crown chakra, we can restore our connection with the divine, gain mental clarity, and rediscover our higher purpose.

Candle gazing to balance the crown chakra

Chanting Om or Soham

In addition to meditation, chanting sacred mantras can further enhance your connection with the crown chakra. Mantras such as “Om” or “Soham” carry potent vibrations that resonate with the energy of the crown chakra. As you chant these sacred sounds, feel the resonance within your being, allowing the vibrations to penetrate and activate the crown chakra. This practice serves to elevate your consciousness, deepen your spiritual connection, and foster a profound sense of peace and expansion.

Lavender is great for balancing the crown chakra

Crystals & Essential Oils

Crystals can serve as powerful allies in balancing the crown chakra. Selenite, clear quartz, apophyllite, snow quartz, rainbow moonstone, calcite, lodalite, and howlite are particularly beneficial. Place them on the crown chakra during meditation or wear them as jewellery to enhance the chakra’s energy flow and promote spiritual enlightenment. 

Utilise the aromatherapy benefits of essential oils like lavender, sandalwood, saffron, and frankincense. These scents can be used in diffusers or applied to pulse points to create a sacred atmosphere and elevate your spiritual experience. Smudge sticks, especially those made with lavender or sandalwood, can be burned to cleanse the energy and promote a sense of sacredness.


Incorporate specific yoga poses that activate and balance the crown chakra. Savasana, headstand, lotus pose, rabbit stand, crocodile pose, and tree pose are all beneficial for opening the crown chakra and fostering a deep sense of connection to the divine.

Other Practices

Disconnecting from technology and spending time in nature, especially in serene and secluded spaces, can help create the ideal environment for the crown chakra to flourish. Additionally, sleeping in a completely dark room promotes deep relaxation and facilitates spiritual experiences during sleep and dream states.

The seven chakras

As we conclude our journey through the Chakra Chapters, we arrive at the majestic crown chakra—the gateway to spiritual transcendence and profound connection. By understanding the significance of this energy centre and recognising blockages, we can embark on a path of healing and restoration. Through fasting and meditation, candle gazing, chanting sacred mantras, working with crystals, using essential oils and smudge sticks, practising specific yoga poses, and adopting other mindful practices, we can awaken and balance the crown chakra, allowing us to embrace our divine nature and experience the limitless expansiveness of pure consciousness.

Remember, exploring the chakras is a lifelong journey, and each chakra represents a unique aspect of our being. May the wisdom gained from this series of blogs empower you to cultivate harmony and balance within yourself, leading to a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life. Embrace the energy of the crown chakra, and let your consciousness soar to new heights as you connect with the divine essence that resides within you.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra
How To Curate A Plant-Based Wardrobe

How To Curate A Plant-Based Wardrobe

Following a vegan lifestyle isn’t just about the food and drink we consume. As well as following a plant-based diet, paying close attention to the clothes we wear can also reduce our impact on the environment. 

The clothes in your wardrobe might be made of animal materials like leather, suede, silk, wool, and feathers. If you’re committed to leading a vegan lifestyle, you should think about aligning your fashion choices with your beliefs, and revamp your closet and turn it into a plant-based wardrobe. In today’s blog, I wanted to explore the impact of animal-based clothing – and shine a spotlight on some other materials that are sustainable, vegan, and fashionable.

How the Fashion Industry Treats Animals

It might not seem like it, but the fashion industry is one of the most environmentally-damaging industries out there today. It relies on materials that come from animals, which has both environmental and ethical consequences. Leather, for example, is used to make luxury products – you might already own leather handbags or shoes. 

However, the production of leather products involves toxic chemicals and causes deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. And that’s not to mention the animal cruelty – we wouldn’t have leather without the hides of animals like cows, pigs, goats, and even crocodiles and snakes.

Silk is associated with soft and elegant clothes – this might come as a surprise, but it’s not vegan-friendly. The production of silk involves boiling silkworms or unwinding their silk cocoons – killing countless insects. According to PETA, 3,000 of them are killed to make just one pound of silk. 

Similarly, wool comes from sheep, and while they aren’t killed to collect their wool, many sheep are exploited and forced to live in harsh conditions. Some people make an exception for ‘dead wool’ – wool collected from sheep that died of natural causes – but those sheep will still have spent their lives in captivity. Feathers, meanwhile, which are used to make clothes and accessories, are obtained by plucking birds – either while they’re still alive or after they’ve been killed

The fashion industry relies on animals like these beautiful cows for materials like leather.

Crafting Your Plant-Based Wardrobe

To avoid contributing to these practices – and harming both animals and our environment – it’s important to seek vegan alternatives to the clothes in your wardrobe. Fortunately, if you know where to look, there are numerous plant-based materials you can wear, so you can look fashionable without feeling guilty.

Cotton material is a staple of any plant-based wardrobe.


This versatile plant can be used to create a range of clothing. Hemp fabric is breathable, durable, anti-microbial, and UV-protective, meaning it’s good for you and the environment. Growing it also uses less water and pesticides than more traditional crops.


This breathable and lightweight fabric is perfect for warm weather, and can absorb up to 20% of its weight in moisture before it feels damn. Linen’s non-allergenic, and is made from the fibres of the flax plant, which is both recyclable and biodegradable.

Other vegan materials

There are a number of other vegan alternatives that you might want to add to your plant-based wardrobe, including some that you’d think would be more at home in your kitchen. Mushroom leather, for example, is a biodegradable material made from mycelium (the roots of mushrooms). It mimics the texture and feel of traditional leather without having to harm any animals. Apple leather is another option, made from the waste products of apple juice and cider.


A versatile and widely available natural fibre, cotton can already be found in a variety of clothes. Keep a close eye out for organic cotton, which is grown without the use of dangerous pesticides and fertilisers, making it much better for the environment.


This isn’t just for pandas – bamboo fabric is growing in popularity due to its softness, its breathability, and its eco-friendly qualities. A fast-growing plant, bamboo doesn’t need much water or any pesticides. 


It’s already a staple in many wardrobes, so don’t worry – you can still have denim in your plant-based wardrobe. It can be sourced from plant-based materials like organic cotton or hemp, which are both more sustainable than conventional denim.


Linen is the perfect addition to any plant-based wardrobe.

More and more fashion brands are looking for sustainable cruelty-free alternatives to leather, using materials like seaweed, pineapple fibres, and cactus leaves. These plant-based leathers could be the future of fashion, offering people a cruelty-free and sustainable option without having to compromise when it comes to style.

By using these vegan materials, not only will you be reducing the harm caused to animals, but you’ll be contributing to a more environmentally-friendly fashion industry. It’s not all about just wearing eco-friendly materials, though – I try to make an effort to support ethical or fair-trade brands, and love buying second-hand or vintage clothing. 

Embracing a vegan lifestyle goes beyond the food on our plates. Curating a plant-based wardrobe is important as it helps the environment and lets us wear our ethics on our sleeves – literally. By avoiding animal-based materials like leather, silk or wool, and sourcing vegan alternatives instead, we can help foster a more compassionate fashion industry. Let’s choose clothes that reflect our values, and show the world that fashion can be both stylish and cruelty-free.

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© 2022. TanyaS.Mansotra